The Hoover Institution Veteran Fellowship Program is hosting a series of town hall discussions across the U.S. that investigates the connections between post-9/11 veterans and their communities.


The Hoover Institution Veteran Fellowship Program is hosting a series of discussions across the U.S. that investigates the connections between post-9/11 veterans and their communities.

Veteran generations often shape the societies to which they return. U.S. World War II veterans led the country to a period of economic prosperity and one of the largest sociological shifts in American history. The experience of the Vietnam veterans led to the all-volunteer force. Now, over twenty years after 9/11, a new generation of veterans has come of age. This generation is making decisions about the future of the force, the role of service members in society, and ultimately leading their communities and government. It is time to better understand the post-9/11 generation of veterans and discuss their relationship with and contributions to society. 

Under direction from the sixty-sixth secretary of state and Hoover Institution director Dr. Condoleezza Rice, and led by Hoover Fellow, post-9/11 veteran, and US Air Force reservist Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider, the Town Hall Series on Post-9/11 Veterans: Their Legacy and Contribution to Our Society aims to generate public discussion around how post-9/11 veterans are engaged and committed to their communities. The outcome will: 

• Highlight post-9/11 veterans’ commitment to service, their country, and local communities 
• Engage in forward-looking talks that investigate where and how these former service members will apply their expertise to develop and lead the future z
• Discuss how these veterans will leave their mark on their communities and the military 

This series aligns with the 50th anniversary of the all-volunteer force. How the post-9/11 generation of veterans reconciles its identity with the communities they are now shaping is intimately tied with the future of the all-volunteer force. 

"The Legacy of the Post-9/11 Veterans" by Jacquelyn Schneider | Time Magazine

"I am a post 9/11 veteran, a member of a generation of veterans who joined or reenlisted in an all-volunteer military after America was attacked. We are a generation bookended by the fall of the towers on one hand and a retreat from Afghanistan on the other—a generation whose chapter in history came to a close with no closure; no homecoming parades, no celebrations, no protests—no grand reconciliation between a returning military and its civilian society. It was just over. "

The Legacy of the Post-9/11 Veterans
Upcoming Town Halls
Jacquelyn Schneider

Jacquelyn Schneider

Hoover Fellow

Jacquelyn Schneider is a Hoover Fellow at the Hoover Institution, the Director of the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Simulation Initiative, and an affiliate with Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation. Her research focuses on the intersection of technology, national security, and political psychology with a special interest in cybersecurity, autonomous technologies, wargames, and Northeast Asia. She was previously an Assistant Professor at the Naval War College as well as a senior policy advisor to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission.

Guest Speakers:

Maj. Gen. Angie Salinas, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.); LTG (ret) H.R. McMaster, USA; Representative Mike Gallagher; General James N. Mattis (ret), USMC; Ben Kesling, Wall Street Journal; Representative Crissy Houlahan; Maj. Gen. Juan Ayala U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), Hon. Jackie Speier, Susan Manheimer, Mikhail Venikov; Cathy Cohn

Veteran Fellowship Program Fellows:

Donnie Hasseltine, Trill Paullin, Adrian Perkins, Megan Andros, Dave Foster, Nick Mastronardi, Matthew Brown, Claudia Flores, John Moses, Phil Caruso, Dave Winnacker, Michael Wendler, Mike Steadman



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