
Joshua D. Rauh, senior fellow and director of research at the Hoover Institution and the Ormond Family Professor of Finance at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, will serve as principal chief economist of President Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). The CEA is charged with offering the president objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy.

Commenting on Rauh’s appointment to the CEA, Hoover Institution director Tom Gilligan stated: “Similar to the mission and values of the Hoover Institution, the CEA bases its recommendations and analysis on research and empirical evidence. Josh Rauh exemplifies these values, and we wish him the best as he helps the president set the economic policy of our great nation.”

Josh Rauh formerly taught at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and the Kellogg School of Management. He has studied corporate investment, business and individual taxation, unfunded pension liabilities, and investment management. He is a recipient of the Brattle Prize and the Amundi Smith Breeden Prize, both awarded by the American Finance Association. His work has appeared in top academic journals including the Journal of Finance, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Public Economics, and Journal of Political Economy.

Rauh’s research has received national media coverage in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times, and The Economist. He has presented his work in numerous academic and public forums and has testified before Congressional committees on unfunded pension liabilities.

Rauh received a BA degree in economics, magna cum laude with distinction, from Yale University and a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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