By Lisa Miller


More than 1,500 U.S. government records from thirty archival collections at Hoover were declassified and released online by Hoover in 2017. The collections were created by diplomatic, military, and other government officials. Several of them, including William J. Casey, Carl F. Eifler, and Norwood F. Allman, worked for the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. The papers of Robert D. Murphy, an American diplomat who served in Africa and Europe during World War II and as assistant secretary, deputy undersecretary, and undersecretary of state from 1953 to -1959, contain the largest number of declassified items.

From 2001 to 2008, a government team visited the Hoover Archives to scan security-classified records, which were then submitted for review and declassification by the relevant federal agencies. Some records were released in full, others in part, and some remain classified. The newly released records are the second set of declassified materials returned to Hoover. The first set was released in 2010. The content from both the 2010 and 2017 releases is online in Hoover's digital collections portal.

Hoover will continue releasing declassified materials and posting them online in 2018. At the same time, as government agencies continue their review, more declassified documents will be returned to Hoover in a process that is likely to take years.



The relevant collections are listed below, along with release years that are online.

Kennedy-Minott (Rodney) papers -- 2017


Lockwood (Charles A.) papers -- 2017


Lovestone (Jay) papers -- 2017


Malek (Frederic V.) papers -- 2010


McCloskey (Paul N.) papers -- 2017


Miles (Milton E.) papers -- 2010, 2017


Murphy (Robert D.) papers -- 2010, 2017


Office of Strategic Services/Dept. of State miscellaneous records -- 2010


Office of Strategic Services miscellaneous records -- 2010


Pash (Boris T.) papers -- 2017


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty corporate records -- 2017


Ray (Dixy Lee) papers -- 2017


Rowell (Milo E.) papers -- 2017


Smith (Edward Ellis) papers -- 2010


Smith (R. Harris) papers -- 2010


Soong (T. V.) papers -- 2017


State Department miscellaneous records -- 2017


Stilwell (Joseph Warren) papers -- 2017


Wolfe (Bertram David) papers -- 2017


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