Men of various Asian nations marching alongside one another

China & Greater Asia Collections


The rare publications and archival materials assembled by government officials, diplomats, military personnel, businessmen, missionaries, journalists, scholars, and private individuals chronicle social, economic, and political conditions in Asian countries. While maintaining the library and archives’ strength in documenting Asia’s transformations in the late nineteenth to twentieth centuries, our collecting efforts also focus on contemporary affairs. 

Hsiao-ting Lin Hoover Headshot

Hsiao-ting Lin

Curator, Modern China & Taiwan Collection / Research Fellow

Hsiao-ting Lin is a research fellow and curator of the Modern China and Taiwan collection at the Hoover Institution, for which he collects material on China and Taiwan, as well as China-related materials in other East Asian countries. He holds a BA in political science ...


Most of the items described in these guides are now available at the East Asia Library at Stanford University or Stanford Auxiliary Libraries (SAL 1 & 2). Please check Stanford's online libraries catalog for exact locations.

Berton, Peter, and Eugene Wu. Contemporary China: a Research Guide. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, 1967.

Chan, Ming K. Historiography of the Chinese Labor Movements, 1895–1949: A Critical Survey and Bibliography of Selected Chinese Source Materials at the Hoover Institution. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1981.

I-mu. Unofficial Documents of the Democracy Movement in Communist China, 1978–1981: Chung-kuo Min Chu Yun Tung Tzu Liao: A Checklist of Chinese Materials in the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Stanford, Calif.: East Asian Collection, Hoover Institution, 1986.

Israel, John. The Chinese Student Movement, 1927–1937: A Bibliographical Essay Based on the Resources of the Hoover Institution. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1959.

Kiyohara, Michiko. China Watching by the Japanese: Reports and Investigations from the First Sino-Japanese War to the Unification of China Under the Communist Party: A Checklist of Holdings In the East Asian Collection, Hoover Institution. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1987.

Mote, Frederick W. Japanese-sponsored Governments in China, 1937–1945: An Annotated Bibliography Compiled from Materials in the Chinese Collection of the Hoover Library. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1954.

Nahm, Andrew C. Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1894–1910: A Checklist of Japanese Archives in the Hoover Institution. Stanford University, Calif.: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1959.

Widor, Claude. The Samizdat Press in China's Provinces, 1979–1981: An Annotated Guide. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1987.

Wu, Eugene. Lea​ders of Twentieth-century China: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Biographical Works in the Hoover Library. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1956.

Wu, Tien-wei. The Kiangsi Soviet Republic, 1931–1934: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography of the Chen Cheng Collection. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard-Yenching Library, Harvard University, 1981.

Xue, Jundu. The Chinese Communist Movement, 1921–1937: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Materials in the Chinese Collection of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Palo Alto: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, 1960.


Date (field_news_date)
2024 Workshop on Modern China and Taiwan speakers (left to right): Hsiao-ting Lin, Wu Yidi, Chen Weitseng, Eric Wakin, Joseph Ho, Li Yujie, and Jeremy Taylor, July 2024
Hoover Institution Hosts 2024 Annual Summer Workshop On Modern China And Taiwan

The 2024 workshop featured five speakers from the US, Britain, and Singapore who explored Hoover’s unique archival collections and examined how these historical treasures help reinterpret our understanding of modern China and post-1949 Taiwan.

August 05, 2024
TV Soong greets Herbert Hoover at the Nanking airport, May 1946
More Historical Materials On T. V. Soong Come To Hoover

A recently acquired increment has been added to the T. V. Soong papers at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

July 25, 2024
Photo of Deng Yanda and Mao Zedong at the third plenary session of the KMT Second Central Committee, March 1926
Research Materials On KMT Left-Wing Radicalism Come To Hoover

Newly acquired are the personal papers of J. Kenneth Olenik—a retired historian and expert on Deng Yanda, a well-known leftist in the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT)—adding to Hoover’s rich archival holdings on Nationalist China.

May 28, 2024
Photograph of Kuo Pin serving as Chiang Kai-shek’s security aide, circa 1945
Hoover Acquires Personal Manuscript By Kuo Pin, An Insider Of The Nationalist Chinese Secret Service

A personal manuscript by Kuo Pin, an Insider of the Nationalist Chinese Secret Service, has been acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

April 15, 2024
Wang Guoxiang in his office at the People’s Bank of China, ca. 1987
Hoover Acquires Personal Collection Of Wang Guoxiang

The personal collection of Wang Guoxiang, a renowned intellectual in contemporary China, have been acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives and include oral histories, photographs, and various writings from throughout the last one hundred years.

March 15, 2024
Xu Wenli with President Carter and their wives
Hoover Acquires Personal Papers Of Xu Wenli

The personal papers of prominent Chinese political activist and dissident Xu Wenli have been acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

January 30, 2024
Sepia tone photograph of H. H. Kung seated at desk, 1930s
Open For Research—The H. H. Kung Papers Now Available Digitally

Newly digitized, the papers of H. H. Kung, a Chinese political leader and confidante of Chiang Kai–shek, are fully accessible for the first time via the Library & Archives Digital Collections.

December 14, 2023
color photo of A stock certificate issued in 1940 by the Japanese-controlled South Manchuria Railway Corporation.
Rarely Seen Chinese And Russian Financial Bonds And Bank Notes Come To The Hoover Archives

Stanford alumnus Richard P. Henke graciously donates historical Chinese, Japanese, and Russian financial documents to the Hoover Institution Library & Archives.

December 01, 2023
Black and white photo of inauguration. Sha Fei papers.
Hoover Institution Acquires Unique Photographic Materials Detailing Communist Chinese Activities In North China During World War II

September 28, 2023
overlay image