Germany Offers A Promising Jobs Model
Germans with vocational apprenticeships earn 92% of the average wage. Click here to see What's Behind the Numbers?.
September 8, 2016 via Wall Street Journal via Hoover Daily ReportGermans with vocational apprenticeships earn 92% of the average wage. Click here to see What's Behind the Numbers?.
September 8, 2016 via Wall Street Journal via Hoover Daily ReportAnd what have they done to enrage the working- and middle-class voters of Western democracies?
September 8, 2016 via Defining Ideas (Hoover Institution) via Defining IdeasPeople in and outside of the military are uncomfortable with it being used as a political pawn. Part of the blame for this dynamic lies with the veterans making political endorsements while pointing toward their experience in the services. Such endorsements are bad for the military for multiple reasons, including...
September 8, 2016 via Wall Street Journal via Hoover Daily ReportThe agency has changed its own rules and now seeks to regulate drugs that pre-date its founding.
September 8, 2016 via Defining Ideas (Hoover Institution) via Defining IdeasWe’re going to hit the fast-forward button in this column – way past the upcoming election and whatever 2017 has to offer in the way of a new White House and Congress.
September 8, 2016 via Forbes via Hoover Daily ReportFifteen years after the carnage of 9/11, American foreign policy is still mired in its fossilized dogmas and dangerous delusions. We interpreted the attacks as crimes, not battles in a war, and reflections of poverty, autocracy, or vague “evil,” rather than as the fulfillment of Allah’s divine commands.
September 9, 2016 via Front Page Magazine Online via Hoover Daily ReportFifteen years later, how have the September 11 attacks shaped the West's response to the threat of terrorism.
September 7, 2016 via Strategika via StrategikaNuclear physics is a dangerous profession. It is not just the threat of accidental exposure to radioactive material that is cause for concern, it is a profession that might get you kidnapped or killed.
September 7, 2016 via Sacramento Bee via Hoover Daily ReportBut there's another solution that doesn't require any of this: allow foreign airlines to fly from one U.S. point to another. In other words, imitate Europe and get rid of the restrictions on cabotage that European governments abolished in 1997. Their results were great. Competition increased and airfares fell. Think Ryanair and easyJet.
September 9, 2016 via EconLog via Hoover Daily ReportHoover Institution fellow Adam White gives testimony about reviewing independent agency rulemaking to the Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management. Here’s White's written statement:
September 7, 2016 via Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs via Hoover Daily ReportCampaign policy shops generally change in character once you get past Labor Day. They become less about putting out new policy and more about helping the candidate and campaign respond to current events and get ready for debates.
September 7, 2016 via Sidewire via Hoover Daily ReportSimplicity isn't always a virtue, but when it comes to complex decision-making processes—for example, a central bank setting a policy rate—having simple benchmarks is often helpful. As students and observers of monetary policy well know, the common currency in the central banking world is the so-called "Taylor rule."
September 7, 2016 via Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta via Hoover Daily ReportHoover Institution fellow Eric Hanushek testified during the Connecticut trial that exit exams can be an effective way to improve outcomes. "I think that this is one of the few ways you can give strong incentives to the students themselves to in fact perform well. Most of our incentives are not very strong for students to work very hard," he said.
September 7, 2016 via Norwich Bulletin via Hoover Daily ReportI’ve always thought inequality was the wrong target. If politicians really cared about the less fortunate, they would instead focus on growth in order the reduce poverty.
September 8, 2016 via People's Pundit Daily via Hoover Daily ReportThe chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said he’d “urge caution” about pursuing a closer alliance with Putin, noting that Russian forces in Syria are not directing strikes against the Islamic State but are more apt to be propping up Syria’s embattled leader
September 8, 2016 via Sacramento Bee via Hoover Daily Report"The same kind of sense of public service that draws people into the military is also drawing them to run for office in both parties at the local, state, and federal level in a way that's great for the country," Kori Schake, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, told reporters at a recent event discussing Warriors and Citizens, a book of essays on civil-military relations that Schake edited with retired Marine Corps general Jim Mattis.
September 8, 2016 via The Weekly Standard via Hoover Daily ReportAs my Foreign Policy colleagues Kori Schake and Peter Feaver have written recently, such partisan endorsements by former military officials are growing more frequent, and risk turning the military into even more of a political football than it already is. "Such political endorsements contribute to toxic civil-military relations," writes Feaver. They "damage ... the norm of a non-partisan military that has served our country well."
September 8, 2016 via Chicago Tribune via Hoover Daily Report
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