The Meaning Of Libertarianism
What role should the state play in the libertarian ideal?
January 9, 2020 via undefined via Defining IdeasWhat role should the state play in the libertarian ideal?
January 9, 2020 via undefined via Defining IdeasThere is one view of President Trump on which you can find widespread agreement: He is the disruptor in chief. He disrupted the Republican Party to win the nomination, and, since his election, he has disrupted the conventional wisdom about everything from tariffs and free trade to international organizations and what he calls “endless wars.”
January 9, 2020 via The Washington Examiner via Hoover Daily ReportSo, if arguing about the ill-defined and ill-measured distribution of wealth lies in service of the wealth tax, what is the question to which the wealth tax is an answer?
January 9, 2020 via Grumpy Economist via Hoover Daily ReportUnder Trump, we’re starting to see the jihadist terror for what it really is.
January 10, 2020 via FrontPage via Hoover Daily ReportThroughout a career that has taken her to the highest reaches of power, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice drew on the values of faith, family, and education that she learned as she was growing up in racially segregated Birmingham, Alabama, she told the audience during the closing keynote at PCMA Convening Leaders 2020 in San Francisco.
January 8, 2020 via PCMA via Hoover Daily ReportAcross the United States and Europe, the act of clicking “I have read and agree” to terms of service is the central legitimating device for global tech platforms’ data-driven activities. In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation has recently come into force, introducing stringent new criteria for consent and stronger protections for individuals.
January 10, 2020 via undefined via Aegis Paper SeriesIn a recent blog post, George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen writes a tribute to what he calls “State Capacity Libertarianism.” I use the word “tribute” advisedly because Cowen doesn’t really make a case. Instead, he claims that libertarians should be State Capacity Libertarians, and settles for eleven assertions about what State Capacity Libertarianism is, while putting minimal flesh on the bones.
January 8, 2020 via EconLog via Hoover Daily ReportHoover Institution fellow Kiron Skinner talks about the latest on Iran, the House's political stunt voting on a War Powers Act resolution, and why President Trump was fully justified taking out Qassem Suleimani without notifying Congress.
January 9, 2020 via The Heritage Foundation via Hoover Daily ReportHoover Institution fellow Lanhee Chen discusses the Taiwanese election on Saturday and why it is so important.
January 9, 2020 via Bloomberg via Hoover Daily ReportHoover Institution fellow Michael Petrilli discusses the best research studies of 2019.
January 8, 2020 via The Education Gadfly Show Podcast via Hoover Daily ReportHere’s a riddle: What do Victor Davis Hanson, Dennis Prager and Ricky Gervais have in common? Hanson published an excellent piece at National Review online on Jan. 7. Titled “The Steele Dossier Bacillus,” Hanson summarizes the evident defects in the substance of the dossier compiled by British former spy Christopher Steele as well as defects in its use to obtain surveillance warrants from the FISA court.
January 10, 2020 via Boston Herald via Hoover Daily ReportThe world of crypto lending can be tough to navigate. There are a lot of mistruths and omission-riddled conversations, passing as facts on the internet. Even with this misinformation, the crypto world should applaud itself for facilitating the birth and growth of its markets.
January 8, 2020 via NewsMax via Hoover Daily ReportNobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee has expressed concern over the state of the Indian economy and observed it was on the verge of a major recession. He said the government should focus on stimulating demand.
January 9, 2020 via Asia Times via Hoover Daily ReportThe recent launch of ballistic missiles against U.S. military air bases in Iraq, in response to the U.S. killing of top Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani, was immediately claimed by the country’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
January 10, 2020 via VOA via Hoover Daily ReportU.S.-Iran tensions are at a new high following the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani. Both sides continue to exchange threats of violence, and the implications for Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the fight against ISIS, and the U.S. presence in Iraq are expected to be profound.
January 10, 2020 via Stanford Event Calendar via Hoover Daily ReportIn his January 7 NR column “The Steele Dossier bacillus,” Victor Davis Hanson assesses responsibility for the Russia hoax in the aftermath in light of the recent Department of Justice Inspector General report on the FBI’s FISA-related misconduct. The column is animated by the the same spirit I have brought to this series.
January 10, 2020 via Power Line via Hoover Daily ReportJames Mattis, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense, will speak at Utah State University on Tuesday, Jan. 21. His speech will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom in the Taggart Student Center. It is free and open to the public, and doors will open one hour in advance.
January 9, 2020 via KSL via Hoover Daily ReportBenefiting Friends of the College of the Desert Library. Join us in conversation with the New York Times bestselling author of The Hamilton Affair and author of The Tubman Command.
January 10, 2020 via Desert Sun via Hoover Daily Report
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