China Global Sharp Power Weekly Alert
China's Global Sharp Power Weekly Alert

2024 Issue 29

Sunday, July 21, 2024

About the Issue

Bob Davis provides an overview of America’s shifting policy on China, while Congressional leaders uncover a long-term effort by Intel to transfer capital, knowhow and technology to the PRC even as the company lobbies for U.S. taxpayer dollars to protect it from the PRC.

In an unsurprising move by the PRC, Beijing announced this week that it would halt nuclear arms talks with the United States over a routine decision to approve arms sales to Taiwan. One might cynically conclude that the only reason that Beijing started these talks earlier in the year was to have something to cancel the next time the United States supplied Taiwan with weapons.

Women in the PRC face increasingly draconian laws that restrict their reproductive rights with some forced to go overseas to receive basic services.

Economists and commentators have for years bemoaned the negative effects of Sino-American decoupling, but as Agathe Demarais points out in Foreign Policy, these trends will likely provide economic benefits for emerging economies and their citizens who have been left behind by a type of globalization which has concentrated benefits inside the PRC alone.

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