The papers of Supreme Court justice William H. Rehnquist for the 1972 and 1973 Supreme Court terms will be opened to researchers at the Hoover Institution Archives on November 17. Papers from the 1974 Supreme Court term in the Rehnquist Collection and his correspondence files from 1972 through 2005 will be opened by January 5, 2009.
The Hoover Institution Archives at Stanford University is honored to hold the Rehnquist collection, which was donated to the institution as announced in a news release last week (see http://www.hoover.org/pubaffairs/whatsnew/32563394.html ). Rehnquist, an alumnus of Stanford, received three degrees from the university, including his law degree.
The Hoover Institution Archives is a core component of the Hoover Institution. Originally a repository for documentation on World War I, the archives grew to encompass the records of the fascist, communist, and nationalist movements that precipitated World War II. Today, the collection encompasses persons and political movements from around the world, in both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The more than five thousand separate collections in the Hoover Institution Archives include millions of individual documents.