In a new exhibit at the Hoover Tower rotunda, visitors will discover some of the rarest and important treasures of East Asia collected by the Hoover Library & Archives. The selection spans the region’s most momentous events of the 20th century, from the Russo-Japanese War and republican China through the democratization movement in Taiwan. Touching on all three collecting tenets of the Hoover Institution—war, revolution, and peace—this exhibit introduces some highlights from the expansive East Asian collections available for research at the Hoover Library & Archives.
There will be a joint reception for this exhibit and the East Asian Library's "Hand and Eye: Contemporary Reflections of East Asian Ceramic Traditions" exhibit. Please see event details here.

This exhibit is a special presentation in celebration of the Center for East Asian Studies’ 50th Anniversary. Learn more about the history of CEAS and the importance of East Asian Studies at their anniversary website.