Historic California audiovisual recordings from Hoover collections have been digitized for California Light and Sound, a project of the California Preservation Program.
The audio and video recordings include two television commercials from the 1976 Reagan presidential campaign, a 1971 speech by Governor Reagan on the future of higher education in California, and two episodes of William F. Buckley's television show Firing Line. One of these features Governor Jerry Brown in 1975; the other, taped in 1989, discusses Father Junipero Serra with guests Edward Castillo and the Reverend Noel Maholy. One motion picture features images of Herbert Hoover's presidential campaign festivities at Stanford University in 1928; the other is film of the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir dedication circa 1923.
The digitized materials are hosted by the Internet Archive. The original items came from several different collections at Hoover, including the Citizens for Reagan records, Commonwealth Club of California records, and Firing Line broadcasts.