National Széchényi Library (Budapest, Hungary)



National Széchényi Library

H-1827 Budapest
Budavári Palota "F" building
Phone: 00-36-1-2243700
Fax: 00-36-1-2243883

About the institution:
The National Széchényi Library is the national library of Hungary. Its core task is to collect, process and preserve all the written heritage of Hungary and all documents pertaining to it. The collection of Hungarica - all the books and other documents published in Hungary, and publications related to Hungary or to Hungarians published abroad - is to be carried out continuously to the fullest extent possible and these materials are to be available for the users whether in the form of parchment, paper or electronic medium.

Holdings related to RFE:
By agreement and contract made with Radio Free Europe the National Széchényi Library has perpetual and non-transferable rights to the archive collection of the RFE's Hungarian Department. The appropriate divisions of the library manage the different types of documents. Some of the written material arrived on microfilms; these are at the Microfilm Collection. The Manuscript Collection has been collecting the donated written legacy of former RFE employees; while the Collection of Historical Interviews handles all audio documents.

Radio Free Europe Hungarian Service broadcasts
Includes sound recordings of broadcasts of the RFE Hungarian Department, digitized copies and related transcriptions. The material can be found at the Collection of Historical Interviews.

Collection of interviews
Includes a collection of video interviews conducted with former employees of the Radio Free Europe Hungarian Service. The material can be found at the Collection of Historical Interviews.

Collection of microfilms
Includes scripts, notes, writings, statements, permissions on microfilm strictly related to Radio Free Europe Hungarian Service programs.

Collection of legacies
Contains reports, speeches and writings, correspondence, notes, scripts, interviews, printed material, books relating to broadcasting activities of Radio Free Europe Hungarian Service donated by former Hungarian RFE employees. The material can be found at the Manuscript Collection.

Online resources related to RFE/RL:
Database in Hungarian based on transcribed archive Radio Free Europe and Radio Kossuth programs aired between 22td of October and the 13th of November in 1956, related written documents and interviews conducted with former RFE staff members. URL:
Selection of audio documents of the BBC Hungarian Radio Service and the Radio Free Europe Hungarian Service from the Year of change 1989. URL:

Bea Lukacs head of Collection of Historical Interviews
Phone: 00-36-1-2243710

Gabor Hanak
Phone: 0036-1- 2243716


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