The finding aid to the Iris Chang papers in the archives has been expanded to include a description of the substantial increments added to the collection since it was originally received in 2004.
Those incremental materials include drafts of her books The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II and The Chinese in America. Also present are copies of numerous speeches made by Chang, many on the Nanking Massacre, as well as considerable correspondence, including many letters of appreciation sent to Chang by readers of her best-selling Rape of Nanking. In addition, the collection contains outlines, proposals, and correspondence relating to Chang’s efforts to have her Nanking book turned into a movie, a project that was never realized.
Significant biographical materials in the incremental part of the Iris Chang collection include records relating to her academic career and information on the awards that she received for her work on the Nanking Massacre. The incremental materials include numerous photographs of Iris Chang, as well as copies of articles and tributes written following Chang’s tragic death in 2004.