The Hoover Institution at Stanford University is hosting the Maritime Crisis War Game on February 3, 2023.
Please note that this event is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending, please contact Jacquelyn Schneider.
The Hoover Maritime Crisis War Game explores the relationship between new technologies, conventional military capabilities, and nuclear stability in a hypothetical maritime scenario.
As a senior leader and expert, your participation is vital to the success of this war game and, ultimately, to the success of efforts to create policies, capabilities, legislation, and relationships that underscore international stability. The Maritime Crisis War Game at the Hoover Institution is a half-day event, but it is a part of a larger set of games being run all over the world that compare behaviors across countries and cultures within crises. Results from previous games informed weapons acquisition, arms control efforts, campaign design, and foreign policy and have been cited in Foreign Affairs, The Economist, and The Wall Street Journal. Previous players included former heads of state, ambassadors, senior appointees in the Department of Defense and State, senior military officers, and leaders of fortune 500 companies. It is this rare culmination of expertise that makes the results from this game so impactful and it is why your involvement is so important for this project.
As a player, you will be given two hypothetical crisis scenarios and a briefing on capabilities and threats. Together, players will form a team representing a National Security cabinet that generates priority objectives and debates courses of action. The war game will culminate in the development of a whole of government response plan to the crisis. Finally, the event concludes with a plenary session in which players will share lessons learned from the war game and suggest potential recommendations for policies on emerging threats and crisis dynamics. All players are invited to a private reception at the Hoover Institution immediately following the game.
Please note that as an attendee at this event, you will be a participant in a Stanford research protocol.
Opening Comments:12:00-12:30
Scenario 1 Play: 12:30-1:30
Break: 1:30-2:00
Scenario 2 Play: 2:00-3:00
Discussion: 3:00-3:30
Reception: 3:30-5:30