
The vision of the Hoover Wargaming and Crisis Simulation Initiative is to advance wargames, simulations, and their data as analytic tools and learning resources for academia, policy, and industry. WCSI plays a unique role in the wargaming community, serving as a data-centered bridge between traditional wargaming and academia with the aim of expanding the use of wargaming beyond traditional communities and in catalyzing wargaming innovations for both academia and policy.

Three Pillars of the Wargaming & Crisis Simulation Initative
Hoover Wargaming Archive

The Wargaming Archive

The centerpiece of WCSI is Hoover Institution’s Wargaming Archive, a publicly accessible digital repository of wargaming data housed within the Hoover Library and Archives. The wargaming archive features scholar-designed wargames, unclassified and declassified government wargames, and think tank or industry wargames. The archive is designed to be easily searchable across a wide array of substantive and methodological terms, facilitating both large-N analysis and deep case studies. The archive also increases methodological transparency and rigor within the wargaming discipline by hosting wargaming design materials and data for evaluation, replication, and testing. Finally, the archive is a pedagogical resource that provides open source game design and materials for use in the classroom. 

Wargames and Simulation

Running Wargames and Simulations

WCSI runs scholar-designed game series and simulations to help understand some of the biggest academic and policy questions of our time including the US-China relationship, cyber, nuclear weapons, AI, and space.  Previous game series include the International Crisis Wargame Series and the Maritime Crisis Wargame Series.  In addition to running research games, WCSI also uses wargames as training for policymakers and academics, including Hoover Institution’s Congressional Fellowship Program and Governors’ Chief of Staff Program.  All material and data generated through WCSI’s wargames and simulations are stored in Hoover Institution’s open access wargaming archive, which allows these games to be replicated, modified, and used for teaching and training.

Wargaming Community

Fostering the Wargaming Community

WICS facilitates the methodological advancement of wargaming by providing data, resources, and a community of interest for scholars developing best practices for wargaming design and analysis.  In order to build the community, the initiative hosts events that brings together leaders in wargaming, academia, industry, and the policy community; publishes wargaming methodology studies in peer-reviewed articles, periodicals, and books; and hosts and collaborates with academics, policy leaders, and partner institutions on wargaming research.

Featured: International Crisis Wargame
Inernational Crisis Wargame Series

The International Crisis Wargame Series is an experimentally-designed strategic crisis wargame that explores the relationship between new technologies, domestic politics, conventional military capabilities, and nuclear threats.  It was specifically designed to look at the impact of cyber operations on nuclear stability but has more broadly helped researchers better understand the role that emerging technologies play in crisis decision-making and how Cold War paradigms of deterrence and crisis escalation apply in a world with new capabilities and vulnerabilities.

This webpage provides users with the materials needed to teach or host your own wargame. Should you use our materials or are interested in more of this research, please contact ICWG Series lead, Jacquelyn Schneider.


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