Due to weather conditions, we will be postponing the Veterans Town Hall from January 13th to a date yet to be scheduled. We appreciate your interest and will follow up with updated details as they are resolved.

A Post-9/11 Veteran Town Hall Discussion with Representative Mike Gallagher; General James N. Mattis (ret), USMC, 23rd Secretary of Defense; Ben Kesling, Wall Street Journal and Veteran Fellowship Program Fellow Nick Mastronardi led by Hoover Fellow Jacquelyn Schneider.

Veterans' generations often have a significant role in determining the future military. The experience of the Vietnam generation of veterans led to the dissolution of the draft and the creation of the All-Volunteer Force. For Vietnam veterans, the All-Volunteer Force would make the US military more professional, more capable, but perhaps more importantly it would mean that the US would have to choose wars carefully. Now, fifty years after the creation of the All-Volunteer Force, the post 9/11 veteran generation will help determine the future of the All-Volunteer military. What role will post 9/11 veterans play in the future of the all-volunteer force? How will post 9/11 veterans' relationship with local communities influence how the US military recruits the next generation of the all-volunteer force? How will the experiences of this generation influence the US military of the future?

Saturday, January 13, 2024 –VFW Duck Creek Post 7534, Green Bay, WI

How Will the US Recruit and Retain Today for Tomorrow

Congressman Mike Gallagher, ​​U.S. Representative, Wisconsin’s 8th District
General James N. Mattis U.S.M.C. (Ret.), Davies Family Distinguished Fellow, Hoover Institution
Ben Kesling, Wall Street Journal
Nick Mastronardi, Veteran Fellowship Program Fellows, CEO, Polco

Moderated by
Dr. Jacquelyn Schneider | Hoover Fellow, post-9/11 Veteran, USAFR

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