Georgia Tech severs ties with blacklisted Chinese university
by Susan Svrluga
via Washington Post on September 6, 2024

US Pitches Deal to Thwart Chinese Military Base in Africa
by Peter Martin
via Bloomberg on September 6, 2024

South China Sea: The “transparency initiative” success is plain to see
by Richard Javad Heydarian
via Lowy Institute on September 9, 2024

Phase Zero of the Coming War
by Andrew A. Michta
via RealClearDefense on September 6, 2024

German warships to pass through Taiwan Strait this month, Spiegel says
via Reuters on September 7, 2024

Russian military to join Chinese exercise in September, says Chinese state media
via Reuters on September 9, 2024

US and Chinese military commanders in Indo-Pacific hold first call
by Demetri Sevastopulo and Kathrin Hille
via Financial Times on September 10, 2024

VIDEO – Why Leaders REALLY Go to War | Matt Turpin
via China Unscripted on September 3, 2024

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