Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

Explores the effect that the study of History has had on the careers and decision-making of public figures.

Secrets of Statecraft​ is a bi-monthly podcast hosted by Andrew Roberts which explores the effect that the study of History has had on the careers and decision-making of public figures, and which will also ask leading historians about the influence that the study of History had on their biographical subjects. The title is taken from Winston Churchill’s reply on Coronation Day 1953 to a young American who had asked him for life-advice, to whom he said ‘Study History, study History, for therein lie all the secrets of statecraft.

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Secrets of Statecraft | Matt Ridley

Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

Lord Matt Ridley Gives Us Reasons To Be Cheerful

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Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts
The Iranian Mindset
September 11, 2024 interview with Andrew Roberts, Shay Khatiri

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The Iranian Mindset
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Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts
Paul Gregory’s ‘Friendship’ With Lee Harvey Oswald
Secrets of Statecraft | Lee Harvey Oswald


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              Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts

              Secrets Of Statecraft: Unwrapping The Enigma, Mystery And Riddle: Stephen Kotkin Explains Russia To Andrew Roberts | Hoover Institution

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              Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts
              Secrets Of Statecraft: H. R. McMaster In Peace And War
              secrets of statecraft
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              Secrets of Statecraft with Andrew Roberts
              Secrets Of Statecraft: How History Shaped Dr. Condoleezza Rice
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