
Tibor R. Machan was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is a professor emeritus of philosophy at Auburn University and holds the R. C. Hoiles Endowed Chair in Business Ethics and Free Enterprise at the Argyros School of Business & Economics, Chapman University.

He lectures regularly on political philosophy and business ethics in Europe, Latin America, South Africa, New Zealand, and the United States.

Machan is the author and editor of several books, including Liberty and Culture: Essays on the Idea of a Free Society (1989) and Revisiting Marxism: A Bourgeois Reassessment (2006). His most recent books are The Normative Defense of Free Market Capitalism: Did the Free Market Cause the Financial Fiasco? (Addelton Academic Publishers, 2011) and Why Everyone Else Is Wrong (Springer, 2011).

He has contributed to numerous scholarly journals, including American Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science, International Journal of Social Economics, and others.

He has written columns for several national newspapers including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He was a regular columnist, beginning in 1966, for the Orange County Register. His essays have appeared in various publications including National Review, Policy Review, Free Inquiry, American Scholar, World and I, and Reason Magazine, which Machan cofounded.

Machan is on the advisory boards for several foundations and think tanks and has also served on the founding board of the Jacob J. Javits Graduate Fellowship Program of the US Department of Education.

Machan was a guest on Firing Line and numerous other interview programs. He cohosted, with the late Sidney Hook, the television program For the Love of Work, on the ideas of Karl Marx. He was featured on C-Span 2's three-hour In Depth book program on May 1, 2011.

In 1999, Machan was appointed editor for the Hoover Institution Press series Philosophical Reflections on the Free Society, which has published all ten volumes that were planned.

Machan was the 2003 president of the American Society for Value Inquiry.

Machan earned BA (Claremont McKenna College), MA (New York University), and PhD (University of California at Santa Barbara) degrees in philosophy.

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