
Terry Ryan was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and vice president for Ohio Programs and Policy at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute. He leads all Fordham operations in the Buckeye State, including leading state research and policy efforts in Columbus, raising grant dollars, and running Fordham’s charter school authorization efforts. Fordham, which has been authorizing schools since 2005, holds charter school agreements with eight schools in Ohio that collectively serve about 2,900 students.

Ryan has helped launch and lead a number of school choice initiatives in Ohio including School Choice Ohio, the Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools, and the Ohio Authorizer Collaborative. In these efforts he has worked closely with Ohio and national foundations, philanthropists, and education and business leaders.

Ryan has published multiple opinion pieces in the Columbus Dispatch, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Akron Beacon Journal, Dayton Daily News, and Cincinnati Enquirer. He is regularly quoted by newspapers, journals and blogs in Ohio and across the country and has been an expert guest on various Ohio television and radio programs. He is the author, with Chester E. Finn, Jr., senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and chairman of Hoover’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education, and Michael Lafferty, of Ohio’s Education Reform Challenges: Lessons from the Frontlines (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Previously Ryan served as research director for the UK-based 21st Century Learning Initiative. In that position he coauthored, with John Abbott, The Unfinished Revolution (ASCD Press, 2000). Ryan began his career in education as a teacher in Poland and worked with the Polish Ministry of Education and the Foundation for Education for Democracy in the mid-1990s.

He is a 2008 New Schools Venture Fund/Aspen Institute fellow and was awarded the Paterson International Fellowship from the University of Denver in 1994. Ryan holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Eastern Illinois University and a master’s degree in political economy from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of International Studies.

He lives with his wife, Emilia, and daughters Alexandra and Agnes in Dayton, Ohio.

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