
Oliver Giesecke is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Giesecke works on topics related to asset pricing and public finance. His recent work examines the finances of state and local governments across the United States, including the capital structure of state governments, the book and market equity position of city governments, and the status quo and trend of public pension obligations. For his work on city governments’ finances, he was awarded the NASDAQ OMX Award for the best paper on asset pricing. His work on pension obligations was instrumental to shaping state legislation.

In addition, Giesecke has conducted a large-scale survey that elicits the retirement plan preferences of public-sector employees across the United States. He is the author of the Stanford Municipal Finance dashboard, which provides, for the first time, credit spreads and fiscal fundamentals for many state and local governments in the United States. The dashboard has received national media coverage in the Bond Buyer.

Before beginning his current academic career, Giesecke worked for Germany’s Federal Agency for Financial Market Stabilization and as a senior quantitative finance consultant. He received a PhD in finance and economics from Columbia University, a master’s in economics from the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland, and a BA from Frankfurt University, Germany.

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