
Hon. Marise Payne is an accomplished and considered strategic leader, highly experienced in foreign policy, national security, and strategic issues. She served in the Australian Senate for over twenty-six years, between 1997 and 2023, becoming the longest-serving female senator in Australian history.

Payne served as Australia’s first female minister for defense (2015–18), and as minister for women (2019–22) and minister for foreign affairs (2018–22). She was a member of the National Security Committee of the Australian Cabinet for seven years, amid one of the most challenging and complex strategic environments of recent decades.

As both defense and foreign minister, Payne was responsible for delivering major reforms and significant policy initiatives. Her career focus is on working closely with allies and partners and developing key relationships to deliver greater strategic strength and resilience.

As Australia’s foreign minister she was closely engaged in the establishment of the AUKUS partnership, a transformative relationship building Australia’s strategic position and assisting in protecting the international rules-based order.

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