
Special Agent Kari McInturff, representing the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a National Security Affairs Fellow for the academic year 2022-23 at the Hoover Institution.

Special Agent McInturff is assigned to the National Security Branch of the San Francisco Field Office. Since 2008 she has investigated complex threats in Economic Espionage, Counterproliferation and Domestic Terrorism, as well as criminal violations in International Human Trafficking, Public Corruption, and Civil Rights. She has devoted her government career to building partnerships that safeguard the scientific community both domestically and internationally. Special Agent McInturff’s expertise in biological weapons and countermeasures has allowed her to work with academia, public, and private sectors to identify key research within emerging technology that has dual-use potential.

Prior to her FBI career, Special Agent McInturff was an Emergency Department and trauma nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, and qualitative researcher. She holds a Doctoral degree in Nursing from the University of Colorado Health Sciences-Denver, and Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Nursing and Anthropology from the University of Colorado-Denver and the University of Missouri-Columbia.

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