The Hoover Institution today congratulated Hoover research fellow, Professor Amy Zegart for having been named to the FBI Intelligence Analysts Association (IAA) external advisory board. In this role, she will provide advice and assistance to the FBI IAA to advance the interests of the FBI’s intelligence analysts in an effort to increase our national security.
Zegart has been featured in the National Journal as one of the ten most influential experts in intelligence reform. In addition to her role as a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Zegart is also an associate professor at UCLA’s School of Public Affairs and a fellow at UCLA’s Burkle Center of International Relations. In 1993, Zegart served on the Clinton administration’s National Security Council staff. Before her academic career, she spent several years as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company.
The FBI IAA is an independent professional association dedicated to improving the professional development of the FBI’s 2,500 intelligence analysts throughout the FBI’s fifty-six field offices, FBI headquarters, and its offices abroad. For more information, e-mail Jason R. Collins at jasoncollins@fbiiaa.org.
For more information on the Hoover Institution, visit hoover.org.