NOTE: Attendance is by invitation only
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Conference presentations

MONDAY, May 19, 2014
Annenberg Conference Room (Room 105), Lou Henry Hoover Building, Stanford University

8:00 a.m.Breakfast Buffet

8:45 a.m.Welcome and Introduction: Stephen Haber

9:00 a.m.“Understanding the Realities of Modern Patent Litigation” by John R. Allison, Mark Lemley, and David L. Schwartz
Presenter: Mark Lemley
Discussant: Naomi Lamoreaux
Session Chair: Stephen Haber
Abstract |Complete Paper | PDF of Slides | Presenter Bio

10:15 a.m.Break

10:30 a.m.“Patents and the Market for Inventions” by Daniel Spulber
Presenter: Daniel Spulber
Discussant: Scott Kieff
Session Chair: Zorina Khan
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Bio

11:45 a.m.Lunch

12:45 p.m.“Patent Holdup: Do Patent Holders Holdup Innovation?” by Alexander Galetovic, Stephen Haber, and Ross Levine

Presenter: Stephen Haber
Discussant: Joanna Tsai
Session Chair: Stephen Johnson
Abstract | Complete Paper | PDF of Slides | Presenter Bio

2:00 p.m.“Do Fixed Patent Terms Distort Innovation? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials” by Eric Budish, Benjamin N. Roin, and Heidi Williams
Presenter: Heidi Williams
Discussant: Wes Hartmann
Session Chair: John Villasenor
Abstract | Complete Paper | PDF of Slides | Presenter Bio

3:15 p.m.Break

3:30 p.m.Practioner Roundtable
Panelists: Benjamin KwitekNader MousaviJohn Schlicher, and Joshua Wright
Moderator: Rod Cooper
Kwitek Bio | Mousavi Bio | Schlicher Bio | Wright Bio

4:30 p.m Adjourn daytime sessions

TUESDAY, May 20, 2014
Annenberg Conference Room (Room 105), Lou Henry Hoover Building, Stanford University

8:00 a.m.Breakfast Buffet

8:30 a.m.“Does Compulsory Licensing Discourage Invention? Evidence from German Patents after the US Trading-with-the-Enemy Act” by Joerg Baten, Nicola Bianchi, and Petra Moser
Presenter: Petra Moser
Discussant: Richard Epstein
Session Chair: Damon Matteo
Abstract | Complete Paper | Presenter Bio

9:45 a.m.Break

10:00 a.m.“O’Reilly v. Morse” by Adam Mossoff
Presenter: Adam Mossoff
Discussant: Henry Smith
Session Chair: Richard Sousa
Abstract | Complete Paper | PDF of Slides | Presenter Bio

11:15 a.m.“Smart Phone Litigation and Standard Essential Patents” by Kirti Gupta and Mark Snyder
Presenter: Kirti Gupta
Discussant: Zorina Khan
Session Chair: Ross Levine
Abstract | Complete Paper | PDF of Slides

12:30 a.m.Adjourn (light lunch available)


Rod Cooper–Principal, Protecting Assets of the Mind; member, Hoover Institution Board of Overseers; member, Hoover Institution Intellectual Property, Innovation, and Prosperity Working Group (Hoover IP2) Advisory Board

Richard Epstein–Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University Law School; senior lecturer, University of Chicago Law School; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Kirti Gupta–Director for Economic Strategy, Qualcomm Inc.

Stephen Haber–Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; director, Hoover IP2 Working Group; A.A. and Jeanne Welch Milligan Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, professor of political science, of history, and (by courtesy) of economics, Stanford University

Wes Hartmann–Associate professor of marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Stephen Johnson–Chief intellectual property and policy officer, One Mind for Research

B. Zorina Khan–Professor of economics, Bowdoin College; research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts

F. Scott Kieff–Commissioner, US International Trade Commission; Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor of Law (on leave), George Washington University

Benjamin Kwitek–President and CEO, InterForm Incorporated

Naomi Lamoreaux–Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics and History, Yale University; research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Mark Lemley–William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School; director, Stanford Program in Law, Science, and Technology; founding partner, Durie Tangri LLP; founder and board member, Lex Machina, Inc.

Ross Levine–Willis H. Booth Chair in Banking and Finance, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley; research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research; member, Council on Foreign Relations; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Damon Matteo–Vice president and chief intellectual property officer, PARC, a Xerox company; chairman, US Patent & Trademark Office Advisory Board; member, Hoover IP2 Advisory Board

Petra Moser–Assistant professor, Department of Economics, Stanford University; research fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research

Adam Mossoff–Professor of law, co-director of academic programs, and senior scholar of the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, George Mason University School of Law

Nader Mousavi–Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

John Schlicher–Law Office of John W. Schlicher

Henry Smith–Fessenden Professor of Law at Harvard Law School; director, Project on the Foundations of Private Law, Harvard University; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Richard Sousa–Senior associate director and research fellow, Hoover Institution; member, Hoover IP2 Working Group Steering Committee

Daniel Spulber–Elinor Hobbs Professor of International Business, professor of management and strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University; professor of law, Northwestern University School of Law (by courtesy)

Joanna Tsai–Economic Advisor to Commissioner Josh Wright, Federal Trade Commission; vice-chair, Economics Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust Law

John Villasenor–Professor of electrical engineering and public policy, UCLA; nonresident senior fellow, Brookings Institution

Heidi Williams–Visiting assistant professor, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; assistant professor of economics, MIT; research fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research

Joshua Wright–Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission; Professor of Law and (by courtesy) Economics, George Mason University

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