


The Hoover Institution hosted "Land, Labor, And The Rule Of Law" on Friday, June 22, 2018 from 9:45am - 4:30pm EST. The meeting was hosted by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell and examined five papers that provide a historical and modern analysis of rule of law issues that arise in labor and land regulation and markets.

FRIDAY, june 22
Time Content presenters discussant

9:45 AM

Welcoming Remarks by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell




Title - Executive Branch Overreach in Labor Regulation

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Manhattan Institute

Robert Topel, University of Chicago Booth School of Business 



-- --

11:00-12:00 pM

Title - Do Right-to-Work Laws Work?

Christos Makridis, Stanford University 

Will Baude, University of Chicago Law School 

12:00-1:00 PM

Lunch Presentation
Title - Serving Two (or More) Masters: Civil Service and Bureacratic Resistance in our Administrative State

Adam White, Hoover Institution


1:00-2:00 PM

Title - Rule of Law in Labor Relations, 1898-1940

Price Fishback, University of Arizona 

Will Baude, University of Chicago Law School 

2:00-2:15 PM




2:15-3:15 PM

Title - Upscaling the Neighborhood

Nicole Garnett, Notre Dame Law School

Adam White, Hoover Institution

3:15-3:30 PM




3:30-4:15 PM

Title - The Rise of Environmentalism, the Administrative State, and the Erosion of Historical Property Rights to Land and the Rule of Law

Charles Calomiris


4:15-4:30 PM

Closing Remarks by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell



4:30 PM

Meeting Adjourns




Session 2: Do Right-to-Work Laws Work?

Lunch presentation: Serving Two (or More) Masters: Civil Service and Bureacratic Resistance in our Administrative State

Session 3: Rule of Law in Labor Relations, 1898-1940

Session 4: Upscaling the Neighborhood

Session 5: The Rise of Environmentalism, the Administrative State, and the Erosion of Historical Property Rights to Land and the Rule of Law

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