
The Hoover Leadership Forum hosted Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director Mick Mulvaney in May. The discussion was part of the Hoover Institution’s ongoing program, which seeks to engage influential policy leaders with the institution, its scholars, and its supporters. John Cogan, the Leonard and Shirley Ely Senior Fellow, moderated the discussion. Highlights of the ongoing conversation were about the president’s tax reform plan, budget and spending priorities, as well as how to get GDP growth back to 3 percent for fiscal year 2018. 

George Shultz, the Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Distinguished Fellow, gave insights into his time as OMB director under President Nixon. In addition to Shultz, many of the other authors of the Blueprint for America also attended the Leadership Forum. Senior fellows Michael Boskin and John Cochrane discussed entitlement and monetary reform; Eric Hanushek addressed the benefits from reforming K-12 education; and Kori Schake offered strategies for a national security agenda. 

Before Mulvaney’s time as director, he served the people of the Fifth District of South Carolina as their member of Congress. First elected in 2010 he was the first Republican to hold the seat in 128 years. While in Congress he served on the Budget Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, the Small Business Committee, the Financial Services Committee, and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.



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