“Economics, more than anything else, is a way of thinking,” says economist and syndicated columnist Walter E. Williams. In his new book Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism (Hoover Institution Press, September 2008), Williams has compiled a selected collection of his newspaper columns from the past few years that offer insights into analyzing issues from an economic frame of mind. “Many of my columns focus on the growth of government and our loss of liberty, but many other columns demonstrate how the tools of economics can be used in ways that ordinary people can understand,” said Williams.
The columns included in Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism are divided into sections titled education, environment and health, government, income, international, law and society, potpourri, and race. Each section is introduced by Williams’s review of the main points of those columns. In a special addendum, titled “Economics for the Citizens,” Williams discusses his basic economic principles.
Williams has been a member of the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics since 1980; from 1995 to 2001, he served as department chairman. He holds a B.A. in economics from California State University, Los Angeles, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from University of California, Los Angeles.
The author of more than 150 publications that have appeared in scholarly journals such as Economic Inquiry, American Economic Review, and popular publications such as Newsweek, Williams has also written six books: America: A Minority Viewpoint; The State against Blacks, which was later made into the PBS documentary Good Intentions; All It Takes Is Guts: South Africa's War against Capitalism, which was later revised for publication in South Africa; Do the Right Thing: The People’s Economist Speaks; and More Liberty Means Less Government.
Williams writes a nationally syndicated weekly column that is carried by approximately 140 newspapers and several websites. He has made frequent radio and television appearance on such shows as Nightline and Firing Line. He is also occasional substitute host of the Rush Limbaugh Show.
Liberty versus the Tyranny of Socialism
by Walter E. Williams
ISBN: 978-0-8179-4912-9 | $15.00 paper |
377 pages | September 2008 |