1. We Think Bullets Will Defeat Radical Islam’s Ideas - Wrong
  2. Adam White: Reining In The Bureaucrats
  3. The Democrats Didn’t Even Win A Moral Victory In Georgia
  4. GOP Gets A Lesson In The 6th: Better Work Out The Kinks In Its Unified Government
  5. Georgia On The Mind, But Pay No Mind To The Results In Georgia
  6. Ayaan Hirsi Ali On What The Future Holds For Muslim Women
  7. Erdogan Moves Closer To Making Turkey An Islamic State
  8. The Libertarian: The Conflict In Syria
  9. The Task Of The Public Intellectual
  10. Michael Petrilli: Recommit To Kids, The Summit For America's Future
  11. Truckers' Strike Pits The People Against The Kremlin
  12. Hayek On Case For Freedom
  13. Adam White: Gorsuch Goes Full Speed From Day One On Court
  14. How The GOP Could Nudge The Uninsured Toward Coverage
  15. Why Trump Might Win With China
  16. The GOP’s Problem On Health Reform Is They’ve Spent Years Hiding Their Real Position
  17. Response To Gould Et Al. And Vincelli Et Al.
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