Pandemics and Depressions
Here we are, struggling to find a way out of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, when along comes the possibility of a global influenza epidemic...
May 5, 2009 via Wall Street Journal via Hoover Daily ReportHere we are, struggling to find a way out of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, when along comes the possibility of a global influenza epidemic...
May 5, 2009 via Wall Street Journal via Hoover Daily ReportNow that Justice David Souter will retire from the United States Supreme Court, speculation is running hot and heavy as to the kind of justice that Barack Obama is likely to nominate to take his place...
May 5, 2009 via Forbes via Hoover Daily ReportJustice David Souter's retirement from the Supreme Court presents President Barack Obama with his first opportunity to appoint someone to the High Court...
May 5, 2009 via Creators Syndicate via Hoover Daily ReportWhat do Merrick Garland, David Tatel and Jose Cabranes have in common?...
May 3, 2009 via Washington Post via Hoover Daily ReportStanford University Professor Caroline Hoxby is speaking at St. Louis University tonight about her research comparing charter school students to district students in New York and Chicago...
May 5, 2009 via St. Louis Post-Dispatch via Hoover Daily ReportI watched with some amusement as the media tried to figure out how to report the latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)...
May 5, 2009 via Education Week via Hoover Daily ReportThe makeup of the "Ad Hoc Committee to Run the World" is changing...
May 5, 2009 via Lancaster Eagle-Gazette (PA) via Hoover Daily ReportAmong many educators and public officials in the U.S. is a drumbeat for “universal pre-school”—and for government to provide it to all 4-year olds so as to close school-readiness gaps and prepare kids to succeed in kindergarten and beyond...
May 4, 2009 via Business Wire via Hoover Daily ReportThere have been three constants to the remembrances of conservative icon Jack Kemp, who passed away this weekend...
May 4, 2009 via San Francisco Chronicle via Hoover Daily ReportNot in recent memory have economists been so popular, nor were more in the steady march of dispensing wisdom nightly on TV, in columns, installed as federal potentates, czars of financial recovery and as pundits, prognosticators and purveyors of wisdom--everywhere...
May 4, 2009 via Forbes via Hoover Daily Report
Related Commentary
Charter schools in Chicago, New York better serving disadvantaged students, Hoxby says
What NAEP Long-Term Trend Scores Tell Us About NCLB
Dreams of a multi-polar world? Be careful what you wish for
Pandemics and Depressions
Beware Of Empathy
"Empathy" Versus Law
Is Universal Preschool Really a Good Idea?
Another Side of Jack Kemp
Optimism Despite The March Of The Economists
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