
Shana Farley is the Chief Creative Officer at the Hoover Institution where she spearheads innovative marketing and communications creative strategies. Her work ensures that the Institution’s key initiatives and fellow research resonate deeply with audiences, advancing Hoover’s mission and objectives.

Farley has been instrumental in shaping some of the Institution's most impactful media properties, including GoodFellows and the EAPP (Educating Americans in Public Policy) Initiative. She also oversees the Hoover Institution's expansive multimedia content library, enabling the Institution to effectively engage the attentive public with its research and ideas.

In addition to leading the formulation and execution of the Hoover’s communication strategy, Farley manages the Institution's digital presence, including web platforms, social media strategy, and the adaptation of research into digital products.

Prior to joining Hoover, Farley spent nearly a decade as a sales and marketing executive in Silicon Valley’s micro-electromechanical sensing industry. Her work focused on government-funded university research worldwide, utilizing smart sensing technology.Farley holds a dual BA in International Relations and History with a focus on Peace & Security from the University of California, Davis.

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