Alliance for Civics in the Academy Charter Members List

Abolafia, Jacob 
Bar Ilan University, Israel

Allen, Danielle
Harvard University, Allen Lab for Democracy Renovation

Almeida Nevin, Stephanie
Yale University, Citizens Thinkers Writers

Antepli, Abdullah
Duke University

Anthony Chen, Collin
Stanford University, Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Program, McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society

Arcenas, Scott
University of Montana

Arthur-Montagne, Jacqueline 
University of Virginia, Karsh Institute of Democracy

Atkins, Jed
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Avramenko, Richard
Arizona State University

Bagg, Sam
University of South Carolina

Bailey, Jeremy
University of Oklahoma, Institute for American Constitutional Heritage

Balot, Ryan
University of Toronto

Barma, Naazneen
University of Denver, Scrivner Institute of Public Policy

Bartsch, Shadi
University of Chicago

Bednar, Jenna
University of Michigan

Beerbohm, Eric
Harvard University, Edmond & Lily Center for Ethics

Beienburg, Sean
Arizona State University

Bendor, Jonathan
Stanford Graduate School of Business

Berkowitz, Peter
Stanford University

Binder, Amy
Johns Hopkins University, SNF Agora Institute

Bowman, Matt
Zephyr Institute

Boyagoda, Randy
University of Toronto, Civil Discourse Project

Brogdon, Matthew
Utah Valley University, Center for Constitutional Studies

Bullock, Graham
Davidson College, Deliberative Citizenship Initiative

Burns, Daniel
University of Dallas

Burns, Jennifer
Stanford University

Burton, Robert
Utah Valley University, Civic Thought and Leadership Initiative

Busch, Elizabeth
Christopher Newport University

Campa, Naomi
The University of Texas at Austin

Campbell, David
University of Notre Dame, Democracy Initiative

Canes-Wrone, Brandeis
Stanford University; Center for Revitalizing American Institutions at the Hoover Institution

Carnes, Mark
Barnard College

Carrese, Paul
Arizona State University

Clark, Mary
University of Denver

Conti, Greg
Princeton University

Coyne, Bryan
Stanford University, Stanford Civics Initiative

Culp, Jonathan
University of Toledo, Institute of American Constitutional Thought and Leadership

Decosimo, David
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dunn, Joshua
University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Institute of American Civics

Dyer, Justin
University of Texas at Austin

Edelstein, Dan
Stanford University, Stanford Introductory Studies

Englert, Gianna
University of Florida, Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education

Etchemendy, John
Stanford University

Evrigenis, Ionnis
Claremont McKenna College

Farrell, Henry 
John Hopkins University, SNF Agora Institute

Finn, Chester E., Jr.
Fordham Institute and Hoover Institution

Forsdyke, Sara
University of Michigan

Foster, Luke
Hillsdale College

Garsten, Bryan
Yale University

George, Robert
Princeton University

Gienapp, Jonathan
Stanford University

Gilhooley, Simon
Bard College

Gismondi, Adam
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Democratic Knowledge Project

Gonzalez, Michael
University of Toledo, Ohio, The Institute of American Constitutional Thought & Leadership

Gordon, Deborah
Stanford University, Department of Biology

Green, Jeff
University of Pennsylvania

Green, Kenneth
University of Toronto

Ha, Polly*
Duke University

Hay, William Anthony
Arizona State University, School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership

Hankins, James
Harvard University

Hitz, Zena
Saint John's College

Hoekstra, Kinch
University of California, Berkeley

Igo, Sarah
Vanderbilt University; Dialogue Vanderbilt, Open Dialogue Fellows Program, A&S College Core

Inboden, William
University of Florida, Alexander Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education

Ingram, Jill
University of Florida, Hamilton Center

Jiang, Dongxian
Fordham University

Katz, Vikki
Chapman University, Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair in Free Speech

Keilson, Ana
Gull Island Institute

Kimbrough, Erik
Chapman University

Kloos, Karina
Stanford University, ePluribus Stanford

Knibbenberg, Joseph
Oglethorpe University

Knight, Jack
Duke University

Knippenberg, Joseph
Oglethorpe University

Kochin, Michael
Tel Aviv University

Kotkin, Stephen
Hoover Institution, Hoover History Lab

Kumar, Aishwary
California State Polytechnic University, The Democracy Institute; The GIFT Project; Ahimsa Center

Lamb, Michael
Wake Forest University, Program for Leadership and Character

Landauer, Matthew
University of Chicago

Lane, Melissa
Princeton University

Levine, Peter
Tufts University

Levy, Jacob 
McGill University

Liu, Glory
Johns Hopkins University

Livingstone, David
Vancouver Island University

Lombardini, John
College of William & Mary

Longo, Nick
Providence College

Ly, Minh
University of Vermont

Ma, John
Columbia University

Macedo, Stephen
Princeton University

Mackil, Emily
University of California,  Berkeley

McConnell, Michael
Stanford Law School

McCormick, John
University of Chicago, Program in Law, Letters, and Society

McDavid, Brennan
Chapman University, Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy

McQueen, Alison
Stanford University

Merrill, Thomas
American University, The Civic Life and Lincoln Scholars

Molle, Andrea
Chapman University

Morgan, Demetri
University of Michigan

Moshier, Drew
Chapman University

Moyar, Dean
Johns Hopkins University

Muirhead, Russell
Dartmouth College

Newell, Waller
Carleton University, College of the Humanities

Nordenson, Guy
Princeton University

Ober, Josiah
Stanford University, Stanford Civics Initiative

Oshatz, MollyZephyr Institute

Owens, Ryan
Florida State University, Florida Institute on Governance and Civics


Pazdernik, Charles
Grand Valley State University

Perrin, Andy
Johns Hopkins University, SNF Agora Institute

Pessin, Sarah
University of Denver

Pettit, Philip
Princeton University

Pickus, Noah*
Duke University

Pinkoski, Nathan
University of Florida, Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education

Rose, John 
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Rothschild, Jennifer
Wake Forest University, Educating Character Initiative

Rothwell, Kenneth
University of Massachusetts Boston

Saunders-Hastings, Emma
Ohio State University

Schnaubelt, Tom
Stanford University; Hoover Institution, Center for Revitalizing American Institutions

Schwartz, Avshalom
Southern Methodist University

Seider, Scott
Boston College

Shaffer, Timothy
University of Delaware, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration

Shelley, Trevor
Arizona State University

Sigalet, Geoffrey
University of British Columbia-Okanagan

Simonton, Matt
Arizona State University

Smith, Scott 
University of New Hampshire, Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project

Smith, Thomas
The Catholic University of America

Stasavage, David
New York University

Steinmetz, Alicia
Florida International University

Stilz, Anna 
University of California,  Berkeley

Stoner, James
Louisiana State University, Eric Voegelin Institute

Storey, Ben
American Enterprise Institute

Storey, Jenna
American Enterprise Institute

Strang, Lee
Ohio State University, the Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society

Strauss, Barry
Hoover Institution

Sullivan, Thomas
University of Vermont

Szegedy-Maszak, Andrew
Wesleyan University

Tabachnick, David
Nipissing University

Taliaferro, Karen
University of Florida Gainesville, Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education

Thompson, Alison
University of Toronto

Throntveit, Tryg
Minnesota Humanities Center

Treul Roberts, Sarah
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Vinnakota, Rajiv
Institute for Citizens & Scholars –

Visvardi, Eirene
Wesleyan University

Volokh, Eugene 
Hoover Institution

von Heyking, John
University of Lethbridge

Wahl, Rachel
University of Virginia

Wilder, Colin
University of South Carolina

Yarborough, Jean
Bowdoin College

Zook, Melinda
Purdue University


*charter members

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