UN agencies have been complicit in a disinformation campaign vilifying Israel in relation to Gaza. Exploiting instinctive Western support for international organizations, UN agencies have propagated demonstrable falsehoods, leading to unfounded legal proceedings against Israel. This disinformation campaign, reminiscent of the Nazi Party’s “big lie” in the 1920s and 1930s, pollutes the public discourse and makes it virtually impossible to conduct a sensible dialogue.

Key Takeaways

  1. The UN’s disinformation campaign “launders” anti-Israel disinformation by giving its official stamp of approval to demonstrable lies that are carefully calculated to frame Israel for alleged crimes it hasn’t committed. 
  2. The charges against Israel of creating famine and committing genocide are underpinned by false allegations, amplified by a deluge of biased UN reports and false statements by senior UN officials. 
  3. UN reports on Gaza rely almost entirely on information reported by Palestinians with an acute conflict of interest, in violation of UN principles of neutrality and impartiality. 
  4. Like the antisemitic “big lie” in the 1920s, the current anti-Israel disinformation campaign relies on the fact that the enormity of a lie actually facilitates its mass acceptance.  
  5. The UN’s propagation of falsehoods not only fans global antisemitism but does irreparable damage to the organization’s credibility.


The Big Lie: The United Nat... by Hoover Institution

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