About the Program

The Hoover Institution and Stanford School of Engineering appreciate the important role of Congressional staff as they advise Members on the critically important policy issues that routinely come before Congress. The Hoover Institution is uniquely positioned to offer these staff comprehensive policy seminars that explore both the philosophical foundations of political reasoning as well as the mechanics of the policies themselves.

The Stanford Emerging Technology Review (SETR) is the first product of a major new Stanford technology education initiative for policymakers. Our goal is to help both the public and private sectors better understand the technologies poised to transform our world so that the United States can seize opportunities, mitigate risks, and ensure that the American innovation ecosystem continues to thrive.

As part of the Review’s commitment to ongoing educational opportunities, the Hoover Institution and Stanford School of Engineering will convene a group of Congressional staff at Stanford University’s campus in Palo Alto, California for an educational seminar that features lecture sessions, laboratory visits, and a keynote address from the Review co-chairs Secretary Condoleezza Rice, Director of the Hoover Institution, and Dean Jennifer Widom, Dean of Stanford's School of Engineering.

This 1-day program is designed for congressional staff with specific policy interests in the Review’s 10 emerging technology areas.

What’s Included?

Participants will receive round-trip airfare to San Francisco, CA, ground transportation to and from SFO and during the program, and meals during the program. The Hoover Institution diligently complies with congressional ethics rules.

What You’ll Learn

Attendees will learn about the contents and key findings of the Stanford Emerging Technology Review and discuss America’s global innovation leadership, Academia’s role and risks to American innovation. Attendees will engage with world-class scientists to see and hear firsthand about the cutting edge advances coming from American labs. And, they will learn about a variety of important policy themes and implications that cut across multiple technologies.

Who Should Submit Interest?

Mid- to senior-level congressional staff with a keen interest in emerging technologies, science, commerce, and national security. We currently do not accept submissions of interest from Congressional fellows, as this program is designed for permanent Congressional staff.

Submitting Interest

To submit interest, please include a personal statement expressing your specific interest in participating in the Congressional Fellowship Program (500 words max). In addition, please include the following information:

  • Name (Last, First Middle)
  • Current Position and Office
  • Cell Phone
  • Email Address

For more information about the program or submitting interest, please reach out to the Washington, D.C. Government Affairs Team at hooverdc@stanford.edu.

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