Report author and Hoover visiting fellow Matthew Johnson finds that Xi Jinping’s Party-state is building a massive institutional architecture to maximally exploit data as the fundamental resource of the future global economy and governance system, and proposes robust policy solutions to arrest the exposure of huge swaths of the world’s population to the CCP's data accumulation, espionage, and manipulation. Johnson joined Orville Schell, Susan Aaronson, Grady McGregor, and Glenn Tiffert to discuss the implications of the CCP’s bid to shape how data will be distributed and controlled, and how Washington can lead in building a data regime shaped by democratic values.

The Hoover Institution’s project on China’s Global Sharp Power and the Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations held a presentation of their new report, China’s Grand Strategy for Global Data Dominance, at Hoover’s DC office on ThursdayJune 22nd, from 3:30-5:00pm ET.


Matthew Johnson | Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution

Susan Aaronson | Research professor of international affairs and Director of the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub at the George Washington University

Grady McGregor | Staff writer for The Wire China 

Orville Schell | Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society

Glenn Tiffert | Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; Co-Chair, Hoover Institution project on China’s Global Sharp Power

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