The Hoover Institution Working Group on the Middle East and the Islamic World held a meeting on Syria's Earthquake, Normalization, and Frozen Conflict: The Syrian Opposition's Views on the Current Crisis on Friday, April 28, 2023, at 10:00 am ET.

Despite the Assad regime's ongoing human rights violations, sponsorship of terrorism, and large-scale narcotrafficking, some Arab governments are exploring normalization with Damascus. How does the opposition view these challenges, especially in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake that devastated many opposition-held areas? These and related topics will be addressed in an in-person podium discussion with Syrian opposition leader Badr Jamous and Joel Rayburn.



Badr Jamous - Founding member of the Syrian National Coalition and President of the Syrian Negotiations Commission 

Joel Rayburn - Hoover Visiting Fellow and Former US Special Envoy for Syria


Russell Berman - Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, and Director of the Working Group on the Middle East and the Islamic World

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