The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation has announced that John H. Cochrane, one of the country’s preeminent economists, will receive a 2023 Bradley Prize. Now in its 19th year, the Prize is given to individuals whose extraordinary work exemplifies the Foundation’s mission to restore, strengthen, and protect the principles and institutions of American exceptionalism. Cochrane will receive the award at the Bradley Prizes ceremony on Tuesday, May 16th at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.

“John’s impressive body of academic work alone makes him stand out in the field of economics,” said Rick Graber, president of The Bradley Foundation. “Yet what truly sets him apart is his astute analysis of current economic issues such as inflation, the national debt, and fiscal policy. John makes even the most theoretical economic concepts accessible and understandable, by applying a combination of wisdom and wit to his work. As a free market advocate, he also brings a much-needed perspective to the debate over the policies that generate prosperity. We look forward to honoring him with the Bradley Prize.”

John Cochrane Remarks, 2023 Bradley Prizes from Ben Hannemann on Vimeo.

As in the past, this year’s award winners were chosen by the Bradley Prizes Selection Committee, after careful review of over 100 distinguished nominations. Each award carries a stipend of $250,000.

“Winning the Bradley Prize is a tremendous honor,” said Cochrane. “It is also a huge encouragement. A writer never knows if anyone is really listening. I have now much more enthusiasm to push ahead, to find, refine, and better communicate ideas that can improve our economy, government, and society.”

Cochrane is the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Cochrane was previously a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and its economics department.

Cochrane is also a senior fellow of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, professor of finance and economics (by Courtesy) at Stanford GSB, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and an adjunct scholar of the CATO Institute.

His academic publications center on monetary policy and asset pricing. Cochrane has also written articles on macroeconomics, health insurance, time-series econometrics, financial regulation, and other topics. His most recent book The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level was released in January 2023. Cochrane is a frequent opinion contributor to the Wall Street Journal and other publications, and blogs as “the Grumpy Economist” at

Cochrane is a past president and fellow of the American Finance Association and a fellow of the Econometric Society. He has been an editor of the Journal of Political Economy and associate editor of numerous journals. Cochrane’s recent awards include the TIAA-CREF Institute Paul A. Samuelson Award for his book Asset Pricing, the Chookaszian Endowed Risk Management Prize, the Faculty Excellence Award for MBA teaching and the McKinsey Award for Outstanding Teaching.

About The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation: Founded in 1985, the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation supports organizations that strengthen families and communities, inform and educate citizens, advance economic growth and encourage self-reliance. The Foundation’s approach to philanthropy is guided by four core principles: fidelity to the U.S. Constitution with its principles of limited government, federalism, separation of powers, and individual liberties; commitment to free markets; dedication to the formation of informed and capable citizens; and commitment to the institutions of civil society that cultivate individuals capable of self-governance.

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