
Arnold Beichman passed away on February 17, 2010. He was a political scientist, writer, and former journalist. Biechman was a visiting scholar and research fellow at the Hoover Institution since 1982.

Bio as of January 2010:

He is an expert in international relations and American politics. He is currently researching political events in the former Soviet Union as well as developing a biography of former vice president Henry A. Wallace. Beichman is the author of five books: The Other State Department, Herman Wouk: The Novelist as Social Historian, Yuri Andropov: New Challenge to the West (coauthored), Nine Lies about America, with a foreword by Tom Wolfe, and The Long Pretense: Soviet Treaty Diplomacy, 1917–1990, with a foreword by William F. Buckley. Nine Lies about America was republished in 1995 with a new introduction under the title Anti-American Myths: Their Causes and Consequences (Transaction, 1995). His latest book is CNN's Cold War Documentary: Issues and Controversy (Hoover Press, 1999). His updated biography of novelist Herman Wouk was reissued in August 2004.

He is a regular columnist for the Washington Times, and his articles are published in numerous newspapers across the United States and Canada. Beichman has been a member of the editorial advisory board of the Washington Times since 1984.

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