As the end of 2017 draws near, we look back at a busy year of podcasting at the Hoover Institution. We continued to create new episodes of our established podcasts, The Classicist with Victor Davis Hanson, The Libertarian, Security by the Book, and Uncommon Knowledge and released a new podcast, Area 45. We’ve gathered a list of the most popular episodes from this year, ranging from North Korea to Donald Trump to the art of presidential speechwriting.

Area 45

Hosted by Bill Whalen, this podcast proposes cerebral approaches to governing in this toxic political climate. 

Trump’s First Hundred Days (Plus Six)
Hoover political scientists David Brady and Doug Rivers diagnose the Trump presidency’s health based on polling data and the state of anti-globalization populism on the eve of France’s presidential vote.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

Also Featuring: North Korea
As tensions mount on the Korean Peninsula, the possibility increases of a US military strike against the rogue regime of Kim Jong-un. Tom Henriksen, a Hoover senior fellow emeritus and author of multiple books on US military and diplomatic approaches to the non-Western world and rogue regimes, discusses the policy options available to the Trump administration in dealing with North Korea.

For more by Area 45 click here. 


Special CROSSOVER EPIDSODE: Area 45 / Uncommon Knowledge

Area 45: The Art of Presidential Wordsmithery Featuring Peter Robinson
Host of Area 45, Bill Whalen interviews Uncommon Knowledge’s host, Peter Robinson about presidential communication in this age of shock tweets and nonstop news cycles.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

The Classicist

Victor Davis Hanson analyses ongoing issues of national security and current affairs in light of conflicts of the past. 

Diagnosing the Democrats
Victor Davis Hanson explores the factors that led to widespread defeats for Democrats in 2016—and warns of trends within the party that may prevent it from commanding electoral majorities anytime soon.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

Also Featuring: Is Trumpism Sustainable?
Victor Davis Hanson examines the early initiatives coming out of the Trump administration and reflects on whether the new president's momentum is sustainable over the long run.

For more by The Classicist click here.

The Libertarian

Richard Epstein analyses national developments in public policy and the law. 

The Single-Payer Fantasy
Richard Epstein examines the Left’' push for single-payer health care and explains why such systems are destined for failure.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud RadioPublic

Also Featuring: Analyzing the GOP Tax Plan
A look at what works—and what doesn't—in the tax reform proposal from congressional Republicans.

For more by The Libertarian click here.


Russ Roberts interviews an eclectic mix of people on how economics emerges in theory and practice. 

Michael Munger on the Basic Income Guarantee
Michael Munger of Duke University talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the virtues and negatives of a basic guaranteed income—giving every American adult an annual amount of money to guarantee a subsistence level of well-being.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

Also Featuring: Nassim Nicholas Taleb on Work, Slavery, the Minority Rule, and Skin in the Game
Nassim Nicholas Taleb talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the manuscript version of his forthcoming book, Skin in the Game. Topics discussed include the role of skin in the game in labor markets, the power of minorities, the Lindy effect, Taleb's blind spots and regrets, and the politics of globalization.

For more by EconTalk click here.

Security by the Book

Jack Goldsmith and Benjamin Wittes interview authors of important national security–oriented books and publications. 

Security by the Book—Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap?
Jack Goldsmith interviews author Graham Allison about why Thucydides's Trap is the best lens for understanding US-China relations in the twenty-first century.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

Also Featuring: Security by the Book—Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age with Benjamin Wittes
Benjamin Wittes, cochair of the Hoover Institution's Working Group on National Security, Technology, and Law, joined author Susan Landau, author of Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age, for a book discussion. 

For more by Security By The Book click here.

Uncommon Knowledge

Peter Robinson interviews today’s big thinkers on their views about the world. 

The Vanishing American Adult
Senator Benjamin Sasse joins Peter Robinson to discuss his book The Vanishing American Adult and the growing crisis in America of prolonged adolescence.Listen on:
iTunes | Stitcher | SoundCloud | RadioPublic

Also Featuring: Sir Roger Scruton: How to Be a Conservative
Sir Roger Scruton, a formally trained political philosopher, talks about his life and the events he’s witnessed that led him to conservatism.

For more by Uncommon Knowledge click here.

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