Hoover fellows provide commentary on the death of Osama bin Laden, its impact on America's war on terror, possible retaliation, and the repercussions on the relationships among the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Middle East.
The following are videos, articles/op-eds/blogs and podcasts, discussing this historic event.
Rice discusses bin Laden’s death on CNN’s GPS
Condoleezza Rice, the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution, professor of political economy in the Stanford Graduate School of Business, professor of political science at Stanford University, and former secretary of state during the Bush administration, discusses, with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, the issues surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden.
Condoleezza Rice on bin Laden’s death
Condoleezza Rice
CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, May 8, 2011
Rice is interviewed on ABC News
Condoleezza Rice
ABC News, May 7, 2011
Rice discusses Afghanistan and Pakistan on CNN
Condoleezza Rice
CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, May 7, 2011
'I always thought we would get him'
Condoleezza Rice
CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, May 5, 2011
The Condoleezza Rice Interview
Condoleezza Rice
MSNBC's Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, May 5, 2011
What did Pakistan know?
Condoleezza Rice
CNN's American Morning, May 3, 2011
Osama Bin Laden Dead: Condoleezza Rice Weighs In
Condoleezza Rice
ABC's Good Morning America, May 3, 2011
Condoleezza Rice on Future of War on Terror
Condoleezza Rice
Fox News' Fox and Friends, May 3, 2011
Rice: this shows us patience pays off
Condoleezza Rice
MSNBC's Morning Joe, May 3, 2011
Rice: 'Surprised' where bin Laden was found
Condoleezza Rice
NBC's Today Show, May 3, 2011
Larry Diamond on KGO Afternoon News (Diamond begins around 47:40)
Larry Diamond
KGO News, May 2, 2011
The Death of Osama bin Laden
Victor Davis Hanson
KYNO's Straight Talk with Bill McEwen, May 2, 2011
Stanford Weighs in on Retaliation Threat
Thomas H. Henriksen
NBC's Bay Area News, May 2, 2011
Kori Schake on the John Batchelor Show (Schake begins around 32:25)
Kori Schake
John Batchelor Show, May 2, 2011
Adios, Pakistan
Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Online, May 17, 2011
The Fellow Travelers of Jihadism
Bruce Thornton
Advancing a Free Society, May 15, 2011
The Pentagon Knows How to Spike the Football: Saddam’s Fleas and Osama’s Home Movies
Paul R. Gregory
What Paul Gregory Is Writing About, May 9, 2011
Benjamin Kleinerman on the Administration’s Silence
Benjamin Wittes
Lawfare, May 9, 2011
The First-Person Presidency
Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Online, May 6, 2011
Victor Davis Hanson
Corner (National Review Online), May 6, 2011
Pakistan’s Double Game
Kori Schake
Advancing a Free Society, May 6, 2011
The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Joseph D. McNamara
Advancing a Free Society, May 5, 2011
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day–Thanks To Bill Clinton
Henry I. Miller
Forbes.com, May 5, 2011
What Are Our Values?
Alvin Rabushka
Thoughtful Ideas, May 5, 2011
Rules for Killing Rogues
Victor Davis Hanson
Tribune Media Services, May 4, 2011
How Osama Won
David R. Henderson
EconLog, May 4, 2011
Who is "We"?
David R. Henderson
EconLog, May 4, 2011
A Buck is a Buck
David R. Henderson
EconLog, May 4, 2011
What we’ve learned about Obama (and power)
Russell Roberts
Cafe Hayek, May 4, 2011
Osama Bin Laden, Weak Horse
Fouad Ajami
Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2011
The Slaughter That Muslims Could Not Ignore
Reuel Marc Gerecht
Wall Street Journal, May 3, 2011
Islam and the Early History of Pakistan
Ziad Haider
Defining Ideas, May 3, 2011
Bin Laden Fallout
Victor Davis Hanson
Corner (National Review Online), May 3, 2011
Clinton could have gotten Osama before 9/11
Henry I. Miller
Orange County Register, May 3, 2011
A Morale Booster for the Financial Front Too
John B. Taylor
Economics One, May 3, 2011
Third to the Killing
Bruce Thornton
Advancing a Free Society, May 3, 2011
Response to Deborah Pearlstein
Benjamin Wittes
Lawfare, May 3, 2011
Bin Laden—Ne Requiescat in Pace
Victor Davis Hanson
Corner (National Review Online), May 2, 2011
Thoughts on the Killing of Osama bin Laden
Daniel Pipes
Corner (National Review Online), May 2, 2011
On Osama bin Laden
Kori Schake
Shadow Government (Foreign Policy), May 2, 2011
Osama Death Will Reopen America's 9/11 Wounds
Jessica Stern
Daily Beast, May 2, 2011
Bin Laden is Dead, But Our Delusions Live On
Bruce Thornton
Advancing a Free Society, May 2, 2011
UBL, BHO & 2012
Bill Whalen
Advancing a Free Society, May 2, 2011
Will Bin Laden’s Death Reignite the Interrogation Debate?
Benjamin Wittes
Lawfare, May 2, 2011
Statement on Osama bin Laden
Condoleezza Rice
Advancing a Free Society, May 1, 2011
Victor Davis Hanson on the Barbara Simpson Show
Victor Davis Hanson
Barbara Simpson Show (KSFO), May 8, 2011
Fouad Ajami on Bill Bennett
Fouad Ajami
Bill Bennett's Morning in America, May 5, 2011
Victor Davis Hanson on the John Batchelor Show
Victor Davis Hanson
John Batchelor Show, May 4, 2011
The Death of Osama bin Laden
Abraham D. Sofaer
KQED's Forum with Michael Krasny, May 2, 2011