On behalf of its Project on Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific Region and The Global Policy and Strategy Initiative of the Hoover Institution invite you to Taiwan After the 2024 Elections Annual Conference, Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 8:30 AM - 5:15 PM to Friday, May 24, 2024 from 8:45 AM - 2:00 PM in HHMB 160.

Taiwan’s next president William Lai (賴清德) takes office on May 20, 2024. His victory in the January 2024 elections ensures that the ruling Democracy Progressive Party (DPP) will hold the presidency for an unprecedented third consecutive term. But Lai won only 40 percent of the presidential vote, and the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) together now control a majority of the seats in the legislature. President-elect Lai’s new administration is also likely to face continued pressure from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and he will have to deal with an increasingly complex and uncertain international environment.  
Join us as we bring together a diverse group of experts to discuss the policy challenges and opportunities that the incoming Lai administration will face. It will feature panels on the 2024 election results, governance challenges, the future of Taiwan’s economy, security and defense issues, US-Taiwan-PRC relations, and perspectives of key U.S. allies and partners on the U.S.-Taiwan relationship.

This conference will bring together a diverse group of experts to discuss the policy challenges and opportunities that the incoming Lai administration will face. It will feature panels on the 2024 election results, governance challenges, the future of Taiwan’s economy, security and defense issues, US-Taiwan-PRC relations, and perspectives of key U.S. allies and partners on the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. 

All times are California PDT (GMT -700). 

Virtual participants in italics 

All sessions will be held in HHMB 160 (Old Annenberg Conference Room in the Hoover Pavilion) unless otherwise noted 

Thursday, May 23
Time/Location Content Speakers

8:15 am

Participants gather at hotel, transport to campus


8:30 – 9:00 am 

Annenberg Conference Room, Hoover Pavilion 



9:00 – 9:15 am 


Jim Ellis and Larry Diamond, Hoover Institution

9:15 – 10:45 am


The 2024 Elections: What Happened and Why? 

Chair: Larry Diamond, Hoover Institution 

1. What Public Opinion Surveys Tell Us About the 2024 Election Results, Kai-Ping Huang, National Taiwan University and Co-PI of the Asian Barometer 

2. Populism in the 2024 Election? Wei-Ting Yen, Franklin and Marshall College 

3. Beijing’s Influence on the 2024 Elections, Lin Thung-hong, Academia Sinica 

Discussant: Kharis Templeman, Hoover Institution 

10-:45 – 11:00 am 



11:00am – 12:30 pm 



Prospects for Governance in the New Administration 


Chair: Kharis Templeman 

1. Housing Costs and Their Political Consequences, Yi-Ling Chen, University of Wyoming 

2. Inequality and Demographic Change, Min-hua Chiang, East-West Center and University of Nottingham 

3. Taiwan’s Media Ecosystem, Disinformation, and Counters to CCP Influence. Yachi Chiang, National Taiwan Ocean University 

Discussants: Kharis Templeman; Adele Hayutin, Hoover Institution; and Charles Mok, Stanford 

12:30 – 2:00 pm

LUNCH and Keynote Remarks

Tsung-Tsong Wu, Emeritus Professor, National Taiwan University; Former Minister of the National Science and Technology Council 

Introduction and moderation by Jim Ellis 

2:00 – 2:15 pm



2:15 – 3:30pm 


The Future of the Economy and the Role of the Semiconductor Industry 

Chair: Orville Schell, Asia Society 

1. Cross-Strait Economic Ties, Christina Lai, Academia Sinica 

2. Semiconductor Industry Subsidies and Industrial Policy in PRC and Taiwan, Douglas Fuller, Copenhagen Business School 

Discussant: Philip Wong, Stanford University 

3:30 – 3:45 pm 



3:45 – 5:15pm 


Security and Defense 

Chair: Larry Diamond 

1. A Porcupine Strategy for Taiwan, Jim Timbie and Jim Ellis, Hoover Institution 

2. Taiwan public opinion: budgets and conscription, Christina Chen, INDSR 

3. View from the Pentagon, Lauren Dickey, formerly at the Department of Defense. 

Discussant: Claude Lambert, CISAC, Stanford University 

5:15 – 6:15 pm 

Fairweather Courtyard, next to Hoover Tower 



6:15 – 7:30 pm 

Traitel Pavilion, Hoover Institution 



7:30 pm 

Board shuttle bus for return to hotel




Friday, May 24
Time/Location Content Speakers

8:30 am

Participants gather at hotel, transport to campus


8:45 – 9:15 am 

Annenberg Conference Room, Hoover Pavilion 



9:15 – 10:45 am 


Prospects for U.S.-Taiwan-PRC Relations 

Chair: Jim Ellis, Hoover Institution 

1. What the US Should Do, Ryan Hass, Brookings Institution 

2. What the PRC Should Do, Yun Sun, Stimson Center 

3. What Taiwan Should Do, Yujen Kuo, Institute for National Policy Research 

Discussant: Elizabeth Economy, Hoover Institution 

10-:45 – 11:00 am 



11:00am – 12:30 pm 



Regional Views 


Chair: Joe Felter, Hoover Institution 

1. The View from Japan, Kiyoteru Tsutsui, Stanford 

2. The View from Korea, Gidong Kim, Stanford 

3. The View from Australia, Arzan Tarapore, Stanford 

4. The View from India, Dinsha Mistree, Hoover Institution 

Discussant: Joe Felter 

12:30 – 2:00 pm


LUNCH and Concluding Discussion 

Chairs: Larry Diamond and Jim Ellis 

After wrap-up: Board shuttle bus for return to hotel



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