Participation in this event is by invitation only.

The Hoover Institution hosts Sustaining Economic Growth: Fall 2022 Conference Of The Working Group on the Foundations of Long-run Prosperity on November 17–18, 2022.

The Fall 2022 conference of the Working Group on the Foundations of Long-Run Prosperity explores the conditions that promote sustained economic growth by focusing on questions of first-order importance. Given the long expanse of human history, why did economic growth take so long to begin, and why was growth then punctuated by long periods of stagnation? What types of innovations have proved most consequential in spurring growth—new products that disrupt industries or incremental improvements to existing products? Why, if best practices for encouraging entrepreneurship and designing infrastructure are widely known, has their adoption been unevenly dispersed across the globe?

Thursday, November 17
Time Content Presenters/panelists Discussant/CHAIR

8:30 AM




9:00 AM

Welcome: Stephen Haber, Hoover Institution & Stanford University



9:15 AM

“Aggregate Implications of Barriers to Female Entrepreneurship” by Gaurav Chiplunkar and Pinelopi K. Goldberg

Presenter: Pinelopi Goldberg, Yale University

Discussant: Erik Hurst, University of Chicago 

Discussant: Latika Chaudhary, Naval Postgraduate School 

Chair: Amit Seru, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

10:30 am




11:00 AM

“Romer or Ricardo?” by Chang-Tai Hsieh, Peter J. Klenow, and Kazuatsu Shimizu

Presenters: Peter J. Klenow, Stanford University and Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago

Discussant: Andrew Atkeson, UCLA

Discussant: Avi Acharya, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

Chair: Dorothy Kronick, UC Berkeley 

12:15 PM




1:15 PM

“The Global Infrastructure Gap: Potential, Perils, and a Framework for Distinction” by Camille Gardner and Peter Henry

Presenter: Peter Henry, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

Discussant: William Summerhill; UCLA

Discussant: Valerie Ramey, UC San Diego

Chair: Alexander Lee, University of Rochester

2:30 PM




3:00 PM

"Economic Development in Antiquity: The Greek World, 800-300 BCE" by Josh Ober

Presenter: Josh Ober, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

Discussant: Jonathan Rodden, Hoover Institution and Stanford University 

Discussant: Ross Levine, UC Berkeley

Chair: Dan Kessler, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

4:15 PM

Conclusion of November 17th program



6:00 PM




Friday, November 18
Time Content Presenters/panelists Discussant/CHAIR

8:30 AM




9:00 AM

“When Did Growth Begin? New Estimates of Productivity Growth in England from 1250 to 1870” by Paul Bouscasse, Emi Nakamura, and Jón Steinsson

Presenter: Jón Steinsson, UC Berkeley

Discussant: Jim Robinson, University of Chicago

Discussant: Jean Laurent Rosenthal, Caltech

Chair: Brandice Canes-Wrone, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

10:15 am




10:45 am

“Prosperity in the Very Long Run” by Ian Morris

Presenter: Ian Morris, Stanford University

Discussant: Chad Jones, Stanford University

Discussant: Deborah Gordon, Stanford University

Chair: Vicky Fouka, Stanford University

12:00 pm




1:00 PM

Conclusion of conference




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