The Hoover Economic Policy Working Group celebrated the life of Secretary George Shultz on February 17, 2021.


Charlotte Shultz, John Taylor, Michael Boskin, John Cochrane, Cynthia Gunn, John Gunn, John Shoven, Tom Stephenson, Marc Abramowitz, Robert Aliber, Richard Anderson, Robert Barro, Michael Bernstam, Steven Blitz, Valentin Bolotnyy, Arye Carmon, Agustín Carstens, Tom Church, John Ciorciari, Richard Clarida, Thomas Cooley, Steven Davis, Randi Dewitty, John Duca, Katrina Dudley, Alejandra Edwards, Sebastian Edwards, Denise Elson, Christopher Erceg, James Ellis, Dana Emery, Dino Falaschetti, Shana Farley, David Fedor, Niall Ferguson, Andrew Filardo, Jared Franz, Jacob Frenkel, Reuven Glick, Gopi Shah Goda, Lawrence Goodman, Tyler Goodspeed, Paul Gregory, Adele Hayutin, Daniel Heil, Bob Hall, Robert Heller, Gregory Hess, Laurie Hodrick, Robert Hodrick, Nicholas Hope, Douglas Irwin, Robert Joss, George Kahn, Tim Kane, Marc Katz, Alissa Kleinnijenhuis, Stephen Kotkin, Markos Kounalakis, Dick Kovacevich, Anne Krueger, Mickey Levy, John Lipsky, Lilia Maliar, Jim Mattis, Michael McKee, Ellen Meade, Michael Melvin, Axel Merk, Roger Mertz, Abbas Milani, David Mitch, David Mulford, Edward Nelson, Lee Ohanian, ,Robert Oster, Elena Pastorino, William Poole, Randal Quarles, Gregory Rosston, Pierre Siklos, Gabriel Sod Hoffs, Abraham Sofaer, Diana Strandberg, Derek Tang, George Tavlas, Ramin Toloui, Harald Uhlig, Jose Ursua, Jim Van Horne, Rob Wallace, Kevin Warsh, John Williams


Long-time colleagues, friends, and students of Secretary George Shultz gathered to honor him and present personal stories about him around the topic of “Turning Economic Ideas into Actions: More On the George Shultz Way.” John Taylor, Michael Boskin, John Cochrane, Cynthia and John Gunn, John Shoven, and Thomas Stephenson gave lead-off presentations. John Taylor was the moderator of the meeting. Many others also contributed including Kevin Warsh, John Williams, John Lipsky, Axel Merk, Michael Bordo, Markos Kounalakis, Richard Clarida, Agustín Carstens, Sebastian Edwards, Timothy Kane, Robert Hall, David Mulford, Abraham Sofaer, Jacob Frenkel, Robert Joss, and Elena Pastorino.





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