


Workshop hosted by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell to examine 5 papers focused on historic and modern rule of law issues that arise in labor and land markets.

FRIDAY, april 13
Time Content presenters discussant

9:00 AM

Welcoming Remarks by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell



9:15-10:30 AM

Title - Executive Branch Overreach in Labor Regulation

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research 

Robert Topel, University of Chicago Booth School of Business 

10:30-11:15 AM

Title - Do Right-to-Work Laws Work?

Christos Makridis, Stanford University 

Will Baude, University of Chicago Law School 

11:15-11:30 AM




11:30-12:45 PM

Title - Rule of Law in Labor Relations, 1898-1940

Price Fishback, University of Arizona 

Will Baude, University of Chicago Law School 

12:45-1:30 PM

Break for Lunch



1:30-2:45 PM

Title - The Rise of Environmentalism, the Administrate State, and the Erosion of Historical Property Rights to Land and the Rule of Law

Gary Libecap, University of California, Santa Barbara 

Lee Alston, Indiana University

2:45-3:00 PM




3:00-4:15 PM

Title - Upscaling the Neighborhood

Nicole Garnett, Notre Dame Law School 

Lee Alston, Indiana University 

4:15-4:30 PM

Closing Remarks by Charles Calomiris and Michael McConnell



4:30 PM

Meeting Adjourns



6:00 PM

Break for Dinner

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