Volker Wieland, John Taylor, Mahmoud Abu Ghzalah, José Alzola, Chris Ball, Roseli BassoSilva, Michael Bauer, Matthew Beck, Jonathan Benchimol, Steven Blitz, Yves Togba Boboy, Michael Boskin, Corey Braddock, Luca Branco, Giuseppe Chirichiello, John Cochrane, Thilo Deussen, Katrina Dudley, Stefan Dürmeier, Chris Erceg, Heino Fassbender, David Fedor, Andy Filardo, Josh Gaspard, James Hamilton, Markus Hammes, Raymond Hawkins, Gregory Hess, Robert Hodrick, Nicholas Hope, Ashil Jhaveri, Ken Judd, Bernd Knobloch, Robert Knöll, Don Koch, Evan Koenig, Stephen Kotkin, Roman Kräussl, Oliver Landmann, Dariusz Lejk, Mickey Levy, John Lipsky, Axel Merk, Roger Mertz, Laurence Meyer, Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Alexander Mihailov, Heike Milbrodt, Dinsha Mistree, Elke Muchlinski, Athanasios Orphanides, Chris Perez, Philipp Riekert, Flavio Rovida, Maheen Muhammad Sali, Javier Sansa, Paul Schmelzing, Lilian Seel, Charles Seville, Serhii Shvets, Helmut Siekmann, Daniele Siena, Pierre Siklos, Sergey Slobodyan, Christine Strong, Istvan Szekely, Rakeen Tanvir, Jack Tatom, George Tavlas, Yevgeniy Teryoshin, Stephan Thomsen, Jim Van Horne, Jan Wagner, Carl Walsh, Jean Wang, Maik Wolters, Anya Yang, Marcin Zelman

Volker Wieland, the Endowed Chair of Monetary Economics and managing director at the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS) at Goethe University of Frankfurt, and former member of the German Council of Economic Experts, discussed "Russia-Ukraine War Inflation and Recession: Quo Vadis Germany and EU?"

John Taylor, the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University and the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at the Hoover Institution, was the moderator.

To read the slides, click here: Russia-Ukraine War, Inflation and Recession: Quo Vadis Germany and EU ?

Policy Seminar with Volker Wieland
Policy Seminar with Volker Wieland, September 28, 2022 – 12:00 pm PT

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