The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK), the Hoover Institution, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have the pleasure to invite you to a full-day conference entitled "North Korean Human Rights: Is There Still a Way Forward?"

As North Korea continues to advance its nuclear and missile capabilities, this conference will examine the human rights situation in the country and explore how human rights issues may be elevated in future bilateral & multilateral interactions with Pyongyang. 

This event will be held in-person. All in-person guests must provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination.

Session 1: Address some of the most pressing human rights issues in North Korea, as well as China's role in aiding and abetting a regime that is committing crimes against humanity.

Session 2: Assess the effectiveness of empowering the North Korean people through information from the outside world.

Session 3: Scrutinize the 2004 U.S. North Korean Human Rights Act, which was reauthorized in 2008, 2012, and 2017.

Closing Session: Explore the value of a "Human Rights up Front Approach" to North Korea policy.


8:45am | Welcome and Opening Remarks                                                          

Damon Wilson
President and CEO, National Endowment for Democracy

Dr. Larry Diamond
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Mosbacher Senior Fellow in Global Democracy, Freeman Spogli Institute for Int'l Studies, Stanford University 

Greg Scarlatoiu
Executive Director, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

9:15am | Refugees, Prison Camps and the Chinese Dimension

The Honorable Roberta Cohen
Co-Chair Emeritus, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

Dr. Tara O
Adjunct Fellow, Hudson Institute

Ethan Hee-Seok Shin
Researcher, Transitional Justice Working Group

Olivia Enos, moderator
Washington Director, Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong

10:30am Break

11:00am | Empowerment through Information

Colonel David Maxwell 
Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Board Member, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

Dr. Jieun Baek
Research Project Manager on Technology and Human Rights in North Korea, Carr Center at Harvard University

Lynn Lee 
Deputy Director for Asia, National Endowment for Democracy

Hyun-Seung Lee
Fellow, Global Peace Foundation

Christopher Walker 
Vice President for Studies and Analysis, National Endowment for Democracy

12:30-1:30pm Lunch

1:30pm | The North Korean Human Rights Act: Implementation, Problems and Prospects

The Honorable Robert King 
Former U.S. Special Envoy for N. Korean Human Rights Issues; Board Member, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 

Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt 
Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute; Board Member, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 

Ethan Hee-Seok Shin
Researcher, Transitional Justice Working Group

Greg Scarlatoiu, moderator
Executive Director, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 

3:00pm Break

3:15-4:30 pm | A New Approach to North Korea Policy: Human Rights up Front?

Dr. Kim Dong-Su
Senior Advisor, Institute for National Security Strategy

The Honorable Robert Joseph 
Former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control & International Security; Board Member, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea 

The Honorable Joseph DeTrani
Former U.S. Special Envoy for Six-Party Talks with N. Korea

Dr. Larry Diamond, moderator
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Mosbacher Senior Fellow in Global Democracy, Freeman Spogli Institute for Int'l Studies, Stanford University 

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Abigail Skalka.

Twitter: Follow @NEDemocracy and use #NEDEvents to join the conversation.

Please email to register as a member of the press.

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