Participation in this event is by invitation only.

The Hoover Institution at Stanford University will host the Inaugural Conference of the Working Group on Financial Regulation on February 15–16, 2024.

Thursday, February 15th
Time Content Presenters Discussant/Chair

8:30 AM




9:00 AM


Ross Levine, Hoover Institution & Stanford University


9:05 AM


John B. Kleinheinz, Chairman, Hoover Institution Board of Overseers


9:15 AM

Keynote Address 

Doug Diamond, Hoover Institution Distinguished Visiting Fellow, and Merton H. Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business 


10:30 AM




11:00 AM

Competition, Stability, and Efficiency in the Banking Industry” by Dean Corbae and Ross Levine

Presenter: Dean Corbae, University of Wisconsin - Madison 
(research brief)

Discussant:  Beverly Hirtle, New York Federal Reserv

Discussant:  Juliane Begenau, Stanford University

Chair: Peter DeMarzo, Stanford University

12:15 PM




1:15 PM

Empirical Foundations of the Iron Law of Financial Regulation” by Roberta Romano

Presenter: Roberta Romano, Yale University 

Discussant: Francesco Trebbi, UC Berkeley

Discussant: Vikrant Vig, Stanford University

Chair: Chenzi Xu, Stanford University

2:30 PM




3:00 PM

Survival of the Biggest: Large Banks and Financial Crises” by Matthew Baron, Moritz Schularick, & Kaspar Zimmermann

Presenter: Matthew Baron, Cornell University
(research brief)

Discussant: Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago

Discussant: Naomi Lamoreaux, Yale University

Chair: Stephan Luck, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

4:15 PM




6:00 PM




Friday, February 16th
Time Content Presenters/Panelists Discussant/Chair

8:30 AM




9:00 AM

The Digital Banking Revolution: Effects on Competition and Stability” by Naz Koont

Presenter: Naz Koont, Columbia University
(research brief)

Discussant: Allen Berger, University of South Carolina 

Discussant: Philip Strahan, Boston College

Chair: Carlos Avenancio-Leon, UC San Diego

10:15 AM    




10:45 AM

The Secular Decline of Bank Balance Sheet Lending” by Amit Seru

Presenter: Amit Seru, Hoover Institution & Stanford University
(research brief)

Discussant:  Raghu Rajan, University of Chicago

Discussant: Luc Laeven, European Central Bank

Chair: Daniel Kessler, Hoover Institution & Stanford University

12:00 PM        




12:15 PM        

Lunch and round table



1:30 PM        

Conclusion of conference



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