

The Hoover Institution hosted "Hoover Institution in Washington's  2017 Unpacking History Summer Series" on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm EST.

This summer the Hoover Institution shared "Unpacking History: New Collections at the Hoover Institution Library & Archives" which celebrates the variety, geographic range, and historical significance of Hoover's holdings by featuring rare and intriguing items from select collections acquired in recent years.

On Tuesday, August 1 we wrapped up the summer series with "Conflict in Ukraine" - a recent collecting initiatives documenting the armed conflict in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. For the past two years the deadliest conflict in Europe since the 1990s has been simmering in what was once a peaceful industrial region. Materials from both the Ukrainian volunteer battalions involved in the fighting and the Russian-language newspapers issued in the region make up the heart of this new collection. Senior Fellow Norman Naimark, an expert in modern East European and Russian history, was featured.



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