
The Hoover Institution hosted a public panel discussion "The Information Challenge to Democracy" on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 from 3:30pm - 5:00pm PST.

The communications revolution has surrounded society with information, some right and some wrong, and enabled people to communicate and organize like never before. It gives new dimensions to the old challenge of governing over diversity. Participants examine the rapid spread of information and means of communicating and suggest responses to the governance challenges posed by social media, fake news, and the decline of confidence in institutions. The discussion addresses ways to protect the political process against conflict and potential polarization stirred up through social media networks and potential rules of the road to govern information warfare.

Moderator: The Honorable Condoleezza Rice, Hoover Institution and Stanford University


  • Niall Ferguson, Hoover Institution
  • Joseph Nye, Harvard University

This event is part of a series led by George P. Shultz whose intention is to learn from our changing world, to map our governance options in response, and to help structure a variety of efforts going forward. 

To find out more about this series, click here.




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