

The Hoover Institution hosted "False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East" on Thursday, July 13, 2017 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm EST.

The Hoover Institution held a discussion of False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East hosted by Samuel Tadros, Hoover Institution visiting fellow on Middle Eastern Studies, who interviewed author Steven A. Cook.

More than half a decade after people across the Middle East poured into the streets to demand change, hopes for democracy in the region have all but disappeared in a maelstrom of violence and renewed state repression. In False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, Steven A. Cook, Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, explains why the Middle East uprisings did not succeed.

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