Sunday, October 13, 2024
Time Content Speaker

6:00 – 7:00 PM 



7:00 PM

Welcoming Remarks                                                                                                                   
Keynote Speaker
“Rules Versus Discretion Over the Last 50 Years”

Michael Bordo, Hoover Institution and Rutgers University

John Taylor, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

7:20 PM



Monday, October 14, 2024
Time Content Speaker

7:15 – 8:05 AM



8:05 AM 


Condoleezza Rice, Director, Hoover Institution 

8:15 AM

The Evolution of Monetary Policy: Critical Issues That Have Shaped Monetary
Policy and the SOMC Over 50 Years

Moderator: Gregory Hess, IES Global

Paper: Michael Bordo, Hoover Institution and Rutgers University, and
Mickey Levy, Hoover Institution

Discussants: David Wheelock, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
George Tavlas, Bank of Greece

9:15 AM

Influences of the SOMC and Monetarism in Europe and the United Kingdom

Moderator: Charles Plosser, Hoover Institution and former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Panelists: Georg Rich, former director of the Swiss National Bank
Axel Weber, former president of the Deutsche Bundesbank (virtual)
Charles Goodhart, former special advisor to the Bank of England (virtual)
Otmar Issing, former chief economist of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank

10:30 AM 



10:45 AM 

The Search for a Nominal Anchor 

Moderator: Kevin Warsh, Hoover Institution

Panelists: Peter Ireland, Boston College
Gregory Hess, IES Abroad
Robert Hetzel, George Mason University and formerly Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Room Transition: Proceed to lunch venue


12:00–1:15 PM 


Keynote Speech

Presenter: Christopher Waller, governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Systems

Moderator: Athanasios Orphanides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1:15 – 1:30 PM 

Room Transition: Proceed to Conference Auditorium


1:30 PM 

The Fed’s Evolving Interpretation and Implementation of Its Mandate

Moderator: Steve Davis, Hoover Institution

Panelists: Athanasios Orphanides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Andrew Levin, Dartmouth College
James Bullard, dean, Purdue University Business School and former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2:30 PM

Panel on Monetary-Fiscal Issues

Moderator: Michael Boskin, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

Panelists: John Cochrane, Hoover Institution
Charles Plosser, Hoover Institution and former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Deborah Lucas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Valerie Ramey, Hoover Institution

3:45 PM 



4:00 PM

The Conduct of Monetary Policy: Evolution from Free Reserves to the Corridor and Floor Systems

Moderator: Charles Calomiris, professor emeritus, Columbia University

Panelists: Loretta Mester, University of Pennsylvania and former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
William Nelson, Bank Policy Institute, formerly Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Darrel Duffie, Hoover Institution and Stanford University

5:00 PM

From the “Lender of Last Resort” to “Too Big to Fail” to “Financial System Savior”

Moderator: Thomas Hoenig, George Mason University and former president, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and vice chair FDIC

Paper: Jeffrey Lacker, George Mason University and former president, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Discussants: Amit Seru, Hoover Institution and Stanford University
Charles Calomiris, professor emeritus, Columbia University

6:00 PM

Concluding Remarks

Mickey Levy, Hoover Institution

6:05 – 6:30 PM



6:30 – 6:45 PM

Room Transition: Proceed to dinner venue


6:45 PM 

Panel on the Influences of the SOMC and Others Outside the Fed

Moderator: Deborah Lucas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Panelists: Donald Kohn, Brookings Institution and former vice chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Roger Ferguson, Council on Foreign Relations and former vice chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
Robert Heller, former governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Esther George, former president, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 

7:45 PM 



8:30 PM



Upcoming Events

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